View Full Version : Sunday Evening European 5E

August 11th, 2015, 16:12
Hey there!

I am lacking dnd in my blood, and since there are close to no games appearing in Euro-friendly timezones (or they don't seem to last) and I have an ultimate licence, I'd like to start a game on Sunday evenings GMT+1.

I plan on doing a 5E custom campaign, but base it on Forgotten Realms (default 5e). It will be a semi-scripted campaign, meaning that between "sub-campaigns" you'll be free to choose where to go, but once you engage in one, it will be scripted until it's over (2-3 adventures max per sub-campaign).

The starting point will be that you are wrongly acused prisioners going east towards Baldur's Gate for your trial.

So... who's up for it? Add me in Skype as straussfeller. I need up to 8 (victims) adventurers!

See you in Fâerun! :D

August 12th, 2015, 04:17
Interested and added you on Skype

X-baby longshot
August 12th, 2015, 06:23
Also interested, and contacted you yesterday on Skype and server.

August 12th, 2015, 12:25
This looks interesting. I'll contact you on skype when I get back from work later today.

August 14th, 2015, 11:03
no more euro-tinezone people interested?

August 14th, 2015, 18:23
I am interested! I've been looking for GMT based games on here, they seem hard to find.

August 14th, 2015, 19:13
Then add me on Skype! :D

August 14th, 2015, 21:42
Then add me on Skype! :D

Added you. Btw I also can arrange an use of TS for this if that might be more helpful? :p

August 14th, 2015, 23:06
I'd be interested, but what time is the GMT+1 set to? 5 PM? 7 PM? 9 PM? 11 PM?

August 14th, 2015, 23:50
Most probably 5 pm