View Full Version : Quick question on traps and damage

August 10th, 2015, 01:55
whats the easiest way to dole out damage to a PC that fails to disarm a trap? Do you need to create the trap as a NPC? Or is there just a way to create a damage roll to damage the PC?

August 10th, 2015, 03:26
If you need to prep it ahead of time then, yes; create the trap as an NPC and just put the attack/damage in an action and leave everything else but the name blank. If you just want to roll damage like say they fell in a 20' pit then just have them save manually if there is a save and then roll 2d6 in chat. The DM can drag and drop things from chat directly onto the wounds field of a character on the combat tracker to do wounds. If the damage was saveable for half then first you would drag the full damage unto those who failed their saves and then you can right click on the roll in chat and select half and then drag the half damage in those that saved.

It is quick to do for just a character or two.

August 10th, 2015, 04:26
You can create one trap entity with all the different damage (attack) types and just leave it hidden in the CT. Can then inflict damage easily whenever the whim arises!

August 10th, 2015, 05:28
You can create one trap entity with all the different damage (attack) types and just leave it hidden in the CT. Can then inflict damage easily whenever the whim arises!

Why didin't I think of that..Damned with all the answers.

August 10th, 2015, 12:13
Setting up your trap as an NPC is the way to go since you might have a player that for whatever reason has some immunity or resistance to a damage type (such as a dwarf and poison). If you simply go with rolling dice in the chat window it won't have a damage type and you might be doing more or less damage than intended. Further by setting up your trap as an NPC you can more easily set up proper saving throws that might also allow less damage on a successful save etc and FG will handle everything correctly and automatically.

damned suggestion is a good one for generic stuff, but for anything else a specific NPC is the way to go.

August 10th, 2015, 12:16
Zacchaeus - Im not sure why you are suggesting they are not the same thing?

August 10th, 2015, 12:39
Thanks for all the info. Answered my question perfectly.

August 10th, 2015, 16:18
Zacchaeus - Im not sure why you are suggesting they are not the same thing?

Yes, this is what happens when you don't read things properly and are browsing the forums in between doing other things not computer related :)