View Full Version : New dedicated thread?

August 9th, 2015, 18:03
Not sure if this is the right place to be posting this, but it is involved with "looking for group". I was wondering if there could be a dedicated forum just for "pick up groups". I know I have found myself on here quite a few times looking for a chance at a pick up group because I had extra time on my hands or maybe we needed one more player last minute. Hell, maybe even a dedicated Facebook page or Twitter feed. I think it would be cool and allow for more gaming. Just a thought. Thanks!

August 10th, 2015, 00:27
I agree we need more pick up games. Right now this seems to be concentrated to FG Con. That's why FG Daze was created, so we could fill that gap. Outside of these events I see very few of these announcements on here. Venomousfilligree has been doing this lately on here and I'm doing it on G+.

I'm not a mod but but I would imagine we'd need a lot more supply and demand for one-shots and pick up games for them to consider making a dedicated forum section for this. But hey, if we get it that'd be cool.

August 10th, 2015, 00:48
There's also the Steam forums where there might be more people expecting to find a pick up game.

August 10th, 2015, 01:25
Mask- Is there a dedicated group for this on G+ or just something you're doing on the FG page? if anything, we may be able to create a Fantasy Grounds Pick Up Group community over on G+?

August 10th, 2015, 01:43
Right now I have a circle of +100 G+ users containing known FG users and people I've gamed with over the years. When I want to run a one-shot I create an event and send an invite. I've had more luck filling spots this way instead of posting on here and have my thread buried in a day or two by Phandelver :)

A community for that would be good but I don't think Valarian would be opposed to us using his Fantasy Grounds G+ community for this purpose. Same with Damned and his FG Con community.

My G+ profile is in my signature. Hit me up and we can discuss creating a possible third community to fill another gap if possible or necessary. Anyone interested in this can join us there as well.

August 10th, 2015, 01:59
Just did. Thank you!

August 10th, 2015, 04:28
you can absolutely use the FGCon community for this if you want