View Full Version : Adding a Password to an Existing Campaign

August 6th, 2015, 00:35
How can I add a password to existing campaigns? (Or maybe a different solution?)

i.e. before I post my server alias for FGDaze, I'd like to be able to provide some sort of security for me.

I thought about changing my alias, but then my regulars will have to update to the new alias each time I host an FGDaze game.

August 6th, 2015, 00:38
In the Campaign Details list box, right above the list of extensions you want to enable, are Username and Password fields. They don't look editable by default, so they're easy to overlook, but you can change both of them before starting the campaign.

August 6th, 2015, 00:43
Ah, thanks!

November 25th, 2020, 22:44
Can this edit mentioned above occur AFTER you have started the campaign - I mean after you have created the campaign and then had players enter to look around and then close the campaign back to the intro screen. My players are reporting that they can log in to the campaign subsequently without first using a password just finding my login name in the private FGU listing in the lobby.

Moon Wizard
November 25th, 2020, 22:47
You can only change the password at the launch screen.


November 25th, 2020, 22:54
I apologize. That is what I meant. I created a campaign, launched it without a password (cause I am dumb), had players check out that their characters had all transferred successfully from classic, shut down to launch screen realized that I should have a password, added it, but the players who are helping me test say that they are still able to access just by using my username while searching the lobby.

I am wondering. IF. I screwed up and I need to create a password on the launch screen at the time I first created the campaign.

If not, what am I missing. I have added a password, and my GM chat name to the blank fields as per your instructions... and yet players are not receiving a password challenge before successfully entering my live FGU server.

Moon Wizard
November 25th, 2020, 23:17
Once you have launched the campaign, you can type /info in the chat box to see server information, such as what password is set. Can you launch your campaign, and see if it's reporting the password?

Also, I can try connecting from here, if the campaign is running.


November 25th, 2020, 23:47
oooer - I like /info

November 26th, 2020, 11:10
Thank-you all, I have been able to resolve the issue and a password challenge and response now works on my FGU server.