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August 2nd, 2015, 08:11
Is there a way to reduce damage dealt to character that has the Heavy Armor Master feat by 3? Its kind of a pain to just go in and modify the damage in the combat tracker after damage is applied. Is there a way to automate this? Thanks for any replies.

August 2nd, 2015, 08:39
Hmm.. you can do both parts of what you'd need, but I can't seem to get them to work together. Like you can reduce damage by 3 no problem, DMG: -3 and you can resist the damage types as in RESIST: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic but something like: IF: damagetype(bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic); DMG: -3 isn't working. It's the "damagetype" conditional that seems to be missing for IF or some other way to test for incoming damage types.

Reading the earlier posts about this on the forums it seems mostly people just either use a DMG: -3 effect on themselves or have the GM apply the -3 mod as they roll damage.


Seems it might have worked in 3.5: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?21810-Damage-Reduction-There-is-no-overcoming-it

August 2nd, 2015, 11:45
RESIST: 3 slashing, bludgeoning, piercing, !magic

August 2nd, 2015, 13:39
RESIST: 3 slashing, bludgeoning, piercing, !magic

Removed the rubbish I talked, see below.

Moon Wizard
August 2nd, 2015, 13:43
Numerical resistance effects are supported in 5E. This was specifically added to support Heavy Armor Master.

The effect Nickademus posted should work. Let me know if it does not.


August 2nd, 2015, 14:44
Numerical resistance effects are supported in 5E. This was specifically added to support Heavy Armor Master.

The effect Nickademus posted should work. Let me know if it does not.


Oh, now I must have missed that somewhere along the line.

I did try out Nickademus' suggestion and it didn't work. Now, when I try it again it does, so I must have been guilty of a spelling error or something.

Good stuff young Moon :)

August 2nd, 2015, 14:51
I swear it wasn't working, then I went and reset the chat log and started to test every variation of the command and now it's working! But I'm sure the first few times I tried it it didn't work...

Someone should add this as an example to the Wiki. Just having the (N) in the syntax chart isn't obvious enough that this works without an example. Especially since the functionality changed from the DR of previous rule sets apparently.

August 3rd, 2015, 20:45
RESIST: 3 slashing, bludgeoning, piercing, !magic

Very cool. Thanks

August 3rd, 2015, 22:01
Someone should add this as an example to the Wiki. Just having the (N) in the syntax chart isn't obvious enough that this works without an example. Especially since the functionality changed from the DR of previous rule sets apparently.

I added this to the wiki.

August 3rd, 2015, 22:11
Awesome. Thanks.

August 3rd, 2015, 22:19
I added this to the wiki.

Nice work Griogre.

August 3rd, 2015, 22:40
Thanks for the great replies. That worked great. One more question if I may. Is there a way to re-roll damage so that it amends the previous applied damage? For example, if I rolled 1 on a d6 an applied 1 wound to actor, can that d6 be re-rolled to a 4 result and add 3 to the applied damage or subtract 1 from applied damage and add 4. In general can you re-roll a die and some how amend previous result?

August 3rd, 2015, 22:50
Is there a way to re-roll damage so that it amends the previous applied damage? For example, if I rolled 1 on a d6 an applied 1 wound to actor, can that d6 be re-rolled to a 4 result and add 3 to the applied damage or subtract 1 from applied damage and add 4. In general can you re-roll a die and some how amend previous result?
If damage was applied directly (which it usually is due to targeting) there's little you can do in terms of changing things once the result has been processed.

You can however, hold down the CTRL key and re-drag the damage to the target to remove the damage applied - although this may not work if the damage took the target below 0 HP. Holding CTRL negates the number being dragged, so it essentially heals damage. So, you could remove the damage applied this way and then do some additional dice rolling/manipulation, then type a the resulting difference from the original damage in the modifier control under the chat window and drag/drop the damage entry from the chat window to the target. This is obviously a very manual process, but it does allow you to remove damage already applied and adjust via use of the modifier control.

What are you trying to do? There are some additional features available that can auto re-roll a 1 on a damage (or 2, etc.), some info on that here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?24308-Coding-Great-Weapon-Fighting

August 4th, 2015, 06:40
Trenloe thanks for your reply. the "Reroll 2" weapon property was exactly what I was looking for. Yes it was so that I could implement Great Weapon Fighting.

Fantasy Grounds just keeps bearing fruit.

June 27th, 2021, 20:05
Numerical resistance effects are supported in 5E. This was specifically added to support Heavy Armor Master.

The effect Nickademus posted should work. Let me know if it does not.


So a barbarian with the Bear Totem that resists all except psychic would be:
RESIST: 3 !psychic

Is that so? That simple?

July 4th, 2021, 22:44
So a barbarian with the Bear Totem that resists all except psychic would be:
RESIST: 3 !psychic

Is that so? That simple?

Holy Necro Batman!

the code for this would be
RESIST: 3 all, !psychic

NOTE that this code does not stack with anything else that says RESIST: x all

October 22nd, 2021, 12:58
Could this be used for the Interception Fighting Style...? Would an effect like "Interception; RESIST: 1d10+2" work...? If not, is there a way to do something like that? I'm aware the usual solution is to create a healing effect after damage has been applied, but because of things like the initial damage provoking concentration checks and so forth, it's not ideal.

October 22nd, 2021, 13:10
Could this be used for the Interception Fighting Style...? Would an effect like "Interception; RESIST: 1d10+2" work...? If not, is there a way to do something like that? I'm aware the usual solution is to create a healing effect after damage has been applied, but because of things like the initial damage provoking concentration checks and so forth, it's not ideal.

Having tried this a couple of ways, it looks like the RESIST effect doesn't like dice rolls being in the expression...

October 22nd, 2021, 15:43
RESIST will only accept a numerical value or no value at all. It won't accept dice values.

October 22nd, 2021, 17:00
RESIST will only accept a numerical value or no value at all. It won't accept dice values.

Rats! <3 )~

November 18th, 2021, 17:49
Rats! <3 )~

You can do this with Better Combat Effect https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/76/view

Interception Fighting Style; DMGR: 1d10+2 all

December 1st, 2021, 20:25
I have a related question.

I am trying to add Damage Reduction (not resistance) to an NPC (instead of a character). I have tried many different ways and nothing is working so far. Is there a way to do this and if so where do I add it and in what format?

Thank you

December 1st, 2021, 21:03
Add a trait called Damage Threshold and make sure that there's a number in the description. More details here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996641934/5E+NPCs+and+Encounters#Damage-Thresho

December 1st, 2021, 21:57
I have a related question.

I am trying to add Damage Reduction (not resistance) to an NPC (instead of a character). I have tried many different ways and nothing is working so far. Is there a way to do this and if so where do I add it and in what format?

Thank you

Add a trait called Damage Threshold and make sure that there's a number in the description. More details here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996641934/5E+NPCs+and+Encounters#Damage-Thresho

You can use the EXT Better Combat Effects I've found is best fix for this. The listed one above does not do DR at all, its totally different system. It's DT which means that a mob has to do X dmg more than the DT number before taking ALL the damage. Example would be DT is 10, if something does 9 damage to something with DT 10, it would do 0 damage, but if something were to do 11 damage to something with DT 10, it would do 11 damage.

BCE (Better Combat Effects) allows a code called DMGR: x dmgtype. Which would reduce the damage to anything with that code on it.
Example would be.
DMGR: 3 fire
Anything that did fire damage to that target it would reduce the damage by 3 fire. So say something hit it with 10 piercing and 7 fire damage, it would reduce the damage to 10 piercing, and 4 fire.
If something were to do 10 piercing damage to something with DMGR: 3 fire, it would do 10 piercing with no reduction.
Good example of this coding would be for HAM (Heavy Armor Mastery) which is NOT resistance so SW wants us to do
RESIST: 3 piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, !magic However, this will conflict with things like Blade Ward (Until the end of your next turn, you have resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks.) which will conflict directly with the RESIST coding above when it shouldn't HAM and Blade Ward should totally stack as HAM is not resist based on RAW.
So the HAM coding with the BCE ext would be
DMGR: 3 piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, !magic

I hope this clears it up.

Maybe one day SW will put in the correct damage reduction coding.

December 1st, 2021, 23:40
Maybe one day SW will put in the correct damage reduction coding.
Does 5E actually have DR? I didn't think it did and was just in 3rd party products as a carry over from previous editions.

December 2nd, 2021, 01:36
I have a related question.

I am trying to add Damage Reduction (not resistance) to an NPC (instead of a character). I have tried many different ways and nothing is working so far. Is there a way to do this and if so where do I add it and in what format?

Thank you

You need a damage type or types. It won't process untyped. use "all" if you want all damage types

December 2nd, 2021, 03:33
Does 5E actually have DR? I didn't think it did and was just in 3rd party products as a carry over from previous editions.

As I posted in my post HAM is DR, not resist. As it shouldn't conflict RESIST like Blade Ward spell or Racial Resists etc.

So yes, 5E has DR however, SW didn't put the coding in for it. HAM = DR.

December 5th, 2021, 23:51
Does 5E actually have DR? I didn't think it did and was just in 3rd party products as a carry over from previous editions.

There's a lot of effects that reduce damage. Most of them based on dice rolls, but a few have other ways to determine it. The Heavy Armor Master that was mentioned already is one of the most common, but also the Monk's ability to catch arrows is handled as a damage reduction effect, so is the interception fighting style, the monk's slow fall, the abjurer's arcane ward (which is NOT temp hp and it is supposed to prevent concentration checks), bladsinger wizards song of defence, bard's cutting words, Goliath racial ability of stone endurance, etc. There's maybe 25 of them now.

The coding issue that MrDDT is referring to is related to this example of how to handle both resistance and reduction from the Players Handbook:

a creature has resistance to bludgeoning damage and is hit by an attack that deals 25 bludgeoning damage. The creature is also within a magical aura that reduces all damage by 5. The 25 damage is first reduced by 5 and then halved, so the creature takes 10 damage.

In FG both are treated as resistance, neither as reduction, therefore the effects don't combine properly. There is a kludgey work around of applying -dmg to the attacker. This is unsatisfactory because if it is an area effect, then one person's ability ends up reducing damage to all targets.