View Full Version : Useing Modules

July 31st, 2015, 16:05
Can you take a module built for one game system and transfer it to another assuming you own the module? For instance I want to use (Dark Days In Stoneholme) built for Pathfinder in a D&D 5E Dwarf centric campaign. Can it be done and if so how do I do it. I have already purchased Stoneholme and tried to simply download it. Also I am just getting started in Fantasy Grounds so this may sound like a total Noob question.

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July 31st, 2015, 16:17
See here, especially post#4: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?23772-Converting-PF-3-5e-FG-modules-to-5e

July 31st, 2015, 16:39
Yes, follow the steps Trenloe has shown you. And Welcome to the community!

July 31st, 2015, 16:42