View Full Version : LFG - Can GM or play (high latency connection)

July 27th, 2015, 13:59
I live out in the middle of the internet wilderness, and so my only recourse is to use satellite connections and the latency is very high. Which means that I've usually got a 1-2 second delay when using voip. With that being said, I'd like to find a group to join or start one. I live in the CST (-5 UTC currently), and I work from home so my schedule is fairly flexible. Additionally I typically run D&D 5e, Rolemaster or the Hero System (but I've been reviewing the GURPs 4th lately). My shelf contains Shadowrun, Palladium fantasy, lots of different Savage World books, Edge of the Empire, Underground, Dark Heresy and Shatterzone. So, really the only things I'm not really into are D&D 3.x, 4e or Pathfinder. Otherwise, let me know if you don't mind my latency (8xx or higher, usually), and want to start up a group or invite me to yours.

As a player, I generally end up being the "group leader", though I only really lead when no one else can agree on what to do. I love to role-play, so most of my characters are memorable. I tend to stick with a group, though I have been known to "motivate" a stalled out party by initiating a course of action that they couldn't agree on.

As a game master, I love to role-play. So while throwing down the dice is fun, I like to interact with NPCs and give the players a reason to want to embellish their own character's personalities. I do, however, steer away from the camp that thinks all encounters should be balanced towards the party. Instead I take the position that encounters are placed in the world for a reason, and the players may not be ready for some of them, but that's their choice not mine. Also, splitting the party is a bad idea. Always. If in doubt look back two sentences and read it again, let that sink in and then check the one right before this.

I also have an ultimate license, so if you're a player you don't have to own one.

Thanks for reading, and if you have questions please let me know.

July 27th, 2015, 14:06
Any interest in running something for us at FGDaze (link is in my signature)? Best place to meet gamers and can be used as a springboard to get a group together.

July 27th, 2015, 14:26
Yep, working on it now.

July 27th, 2015, 16:30
I am running something as well on FGDaze. Check it out