View Full Version : Warlock Hex spell

July 10th, 2015, 03:49
Hi everyone!

New here, and wasn't sure where to put this. I'm trying to get the hex spell to work by applying some effects, but I'm having trouble, and am currently running a shoddy version of it.

For those unfamiliar, Hex (warlock spell level 1) is cast on a target, and then every time I (and only me) hit it with an attack roll, I add 1d6 necrotic damage to my damage. In addition, it gives disadvantage to one ability check of my choice. This spell lasts for concentration.

So what I'm doing currently, but it's sub-optimal, is I apply the effect on myself of DMG: 1d6 necrotic, and I just monitor that I only attacked the hexed person, and then a secondary effect button that I press grants the disadvantage onto the target (and I just manually enter which attribute I want them to have disadvantage on).

I was curious if there's a way to apply both effects just to the target. But I couldn't figure it out. I'm pretty happy with the attribute disadvantage, as it seems to be working correctly, but was curious if there's a better way to apply the additional damage part.

Thanks for any knowledge!

July 10th, 2015, 04:03
Check this out.

July 10th, 2015, 09:40
Kesa: As TAS says in the post Draca mentions above and in this one (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?24644-Advanced-Fantasy-Grounds-Usage-5E-Ruleset-Edition) the key factor is that you need to Shift-drag the effect onto the target. So to create the Hex damage create the effect that deals the damage and make sure the target is set to 'Self'. Then when you Hex a creature hold down Shift and drag the effect onto that creature. Note that in the Combat Tracker the effect will appear on you and will give you the name of the target. Now when you damage the creature (and only you) the extra damage will automatically be applied. Anyone else can damage it but no additional damage will be rolled.

As regards the second part the way you are doing it is likely as good as any. The only other thing you could do is set up an effect for each ability and just drag the appropriate one onto the target as necessary. That could clutter up your actions tab of course.

July 10th, 2015, 15:50
Draca and Zacchaeus--thanks so much! I (apparently) am still quite unaware of the power of FG. Thanks for taking the time to help me out!

July 10th, 2015, 16:09
As TAS says in the post Draca mentions above and in this one (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?24644-Advanced-Fantasy-Grounds-Usage-5E-Ruleset-Edition) the key factor is that you need to Shift-drag the effect onto the target.

Wow! I learned more in that one thread than days of watching videos. :) Thanks so much TAS and Zacchaeus for all those great hints!