View Full Version : Can someone else DM off my licence?

July 7th, 2015, 13:26
I have a full licence plus all 5th edition content, but I really don't want to DM.

Some friends and I were planning to play with rotating DMs, but issues came up and none of us will be playing together.

If I wanted to set up a game with my books and licence, is that possible?

July 7th, 2015, 13:48
No the license is per user account.

July 7th, 2015, 14:07
Hi Funkpit, As said above you own your materials and as per the user agreement and copyright issues you can not use your DM materials in a game you are not DMing. One suggestion I may add since you'll be looking for a game and players is to check the Game organisation forums here at FG. More than likely you will find a group of people looking for one more player, while your materials wont help them you can use your license to just play. Hope that helps, sorry if it was obvious.

July 7th, 2015, 15:18
Hi Funkpit, As said above you own your materials ... check the Game organisation forums here at FG.

Problem is he doesn't "own" the materials, FG/WoTC does, or else he'd be able to just hand his modules to whomever he wanted to just like he could with a physical copy of the DMG. It's not really a valid option to tell him to play with strangers when he already has a group of friends, he just wants to play rather than DM.

This is one of the drawbacks of licensed materials on computers really. It's sadly how it works, but it's kinda lame in situations like this. "VTT" as long as everyone pays. :)

July 7th, 2015, 17:37
Problem is he doesn't "own" the materials, FG/WoTC does, or else he'd be able to just hand his modules to whomever he wanted to just like he could with a physical copy of the DMG. It's not really a valid option to tell him to play with strangers when he already has a group of friends, he just wants to play rather than DM.

This is one of the drawbacks of licensed materials on computers really. It's sadly how it works, but it's kinda lame in situations like this. "VTT" as long as everyone pays. :)

That's why it would be totally awesome if they came up with a way to "loan" resources to others - they set up a FantasyGrounds account, you loan the resources to that account. That process locks you out of the resources for as long as the loan is active (until the loaned item is "returned", or the loan is recalled, etc.). It could even be set up so that the original "owner" is the only one who can lend, as well as making permanent license transfers possible as well. You could set up time limits (loan the PHB to Bob for 2 weeks), etc.

I'm sure there would be legalities to work through, but that's what lawyers are for. My guess is the question "what about offline use" would be the biggest hurdle to jump. Online is easy - always check the key. Offline is harder - I verify the resource, unplug, and go camping. What prevents me from copying said resource? There are ways to work that too...

With the strong encryption methods today, companies could almost guarantee that only the indented recipient would be able to decrypt the resource. It could even be extended to the point where WoTC (for DnD stuff) would keep the key such that if FG ever went under, you could still access the material. And if WoTC ever went under, they *could* unlock the resources you owned just like you bought a physical copy.

It *can* work, and work well, but all companies in question would have to be willing to actually do it, and I'm not sure how willing a company like WoTC would be to do it.

July 7th, 2015, 21:46
It's not really a valid option to tell him to play with strangers when he already has a group of friends, he just wants to play rather than DM.

Some friends and I were planning to play with rotating DMs, but issues came up and none of us will be playing together.

If you want to be a negative voice that's fine, but at least read. It's a skill you have to use and there's no dice involved.

July 7th, 2015, 22:08
Indeed, didn't catch that! Thanks. The LFG forum would be perfect for him to find a game in.

July 9th, 2015, 16:28
And yet, they feel justified in charging full price for digital content that is obviously not worth as much as the physical copy. I can loan, sell, give away my physical copy, but can do none of that with the digital version.

July 9th, 2015, 17:03
And yet, they feel justified in charging full price for digital content that is obviously not worth as much as the physical copy. I can loan, sell, give away my physical copy, but can do none of that with the digital version.

Perhaps you need to direct your ire towards WotC pretty sure they have the predominant say in how their IP gets priced.

July 9th, 2015, 17:49
I was pleasantly surprised the 5E WotC adventure paths were below list price. It makes them a great deal and gives hope for the future.