View Full Version : LFG - A Newbie really want to play D&D 5E LMoP

June 29th, 2015, 10:02
I am from Thailand (GMT+7). My country is really difficult to find people who play any tabletop RPG. I am new to FG and D&D 5E, but I've played some play-by-post games in other systems a few times. And I play many D&D CRPG.

I am willing, as much as possible, to join even with difficulty from time differences, even I have to play in early morning or some such. I really want to play.

June 29th, 2015, 14:02
Welcome to the community!

June 29th, 2015, 16:07
sanpats you have mastered the secrets of space and time travel! you introduced yourself here 4 hours before i suggested you do so on Steam! well done! and welcome again :)

June 29th, 2015, 20:49
I'm relatively new myself sanpats and have been toying with the idea of running a LMoP campaign as my first try at being DM. I live in gmt+10 so our timezones should be somewhat compatible. Let me know if you are interested as i have a friend who wpuld also like to do this adventure.

June 30th, 2015, 04:27

Ive posted in the forum looking for players. Let me know if this suits you.