View Full Version : What are the Dev's up to?

June 25th, 2015, 23:10
I was looking for current news about what the dev's are currently working on and what might be in store for the future of FG and wasn't really able to find anything on your homepage. I honestly don't know where to look unless i jsut google for articles from different places. I was just thinking that a link to a page with what you guys are working on or maybe even just some random thoughts on the industry in general would be nice to see right there on the main page.
maybe I'm just blind and am missing it, if so, a quick point in the right direction would be much appreciated. FG has reawakened my love for RPG's. I gotta say I love this program :)

June 26th, 2015, 00:38
Here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22089-Fantasy-Grounds-Unity-engine

June 26th, 2015, 00:58
thanks :) that definitely answers a few questions. I still think a link on the main page for news and updates would be a good idea. For instance, a few days ago I saw a teaser for the magic forge apparently for the DMG for 5e. I had no idea that was even in the works. I think the dev's are doing great work with this program and really just want to know everything i can about it. I guess I'm kind of a fanboy for FG lol