View Full Version : AC issue.

June 24th, 2015, 18:42
Can someone please tell me how to reset the little number over the AC shield? Some how it is set to +14.

And please, for the love of Thor, have the armor auto calculated, I had to spend 20 mins searching the forums to find out that is MUST be hand entered.

June 24th, 2015, 18:47
Hover the mouse over the shield, hold down the CTRL key and use the mouse wheel to adjust the number. This is a "temporary modifier" field: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/The_Basics#Number_Fields

June 24th, 2015, 18:54
Ok got it. Thanks!

June 26th, 2015, 18:54
The problem is AC is one of the most house ruled stuff in the world so a lot of people would be constantly fighting the automation, and it can come become extremely complex trying to tell when *this* is the armor I want to wear, and *this* armor is just loot.

June 27th, 2015, 02:04
The problem is AC is one of the most house ruled stuff in the world so a lot of people would be constantly fighting the automation, and it can come become extremely complex trying to tell when *this* is the armor I want to wear, and *this* armor is just loot.

Actually, for the sake of the discussion, the easiest way would be to have a "body-slot" and only auto-apply the AC from the armor dragged to the body-slot (likewise a shield-slot) - any other armor in the inventory wouldn't get added.

You could take the idea further and have a "hat-slot", "ring-slot", "hand-slot", "foot-slot", etc, etc, etc - this would mean finding room on the Character Sheet of course, or having another Tab (or similar).


June 27th, 2015, 08:59
Yeah I like the "doll" figure for equipping. It would take up a fair amount of space on the character sheet though, but if you kept it text only names it wouldn't take up that much. room. Leonardo da Vinci's Human figure art is out of copyright and a good base.

June 27th, 2015, 12:41
I love this idea for having slots and being able to drag and drop your gear onto them and have the automation in the AC calculations. Taking it a step further, make it another tab on the character sheet and like with prep'ing a spell have a toggle that says if its drawn or not (weapons / shields) so you know how to apply the AC bonus, ie shield worn on back and not drawn only gives an ac bonus to rear attacks. Granted that may be too much for the first step of it, but as something to keep in mind down the road because it will include dealing with facing and higher control/attention to the tokens. But would give a bit more realistic feel on drawing weapons or putting them away when you are trying to pick a lock for instance.

June 27th, 2015, 22:33
Starting to sound like one o them videa games the kids play.

June 27th, 2015, 22:49
Pretty soon there will be an AI that will run the game for you and do all your rolls too. Won't even have to play, just sit back and watch :)

June 28th, 2015, 02:06
Yeah, that's the dilemma, isn't it - how much do we automate the "yuck-yuck" to make our gaming easier and more streamlined vs. how much it ends up like WOW or something similar. :)