View Full Version : Keeping char on own maching

June 24th, 2015, 16:31
Is there a way in FG to keep a char on my own machine and play on a server or do I have to have them import it. I am playing in a game in the morning that is a one to two hours long. Then a one one time event adventure is three to four hours long. I just want it as easy for me and especially the DM's otherwise I will have to have the first DM import in then export it after the game is over then have the second DM import it and then export it and then have the first DM import it again. It will make a lot of work for them which I want to prevent if I can in some way.



June 24th, 2015, 16:40
You could always take note of what has changed on your character and update it yourself, therefore you bear all the responsibility as it should be and just as you would if you were updating your own character at a table-top.

Moon Wizard
June 24th, 2015, 17:51
In the Manage Characters section of launcher, you can select a campaign you played in to view and/or export a copy of the character you used in that campaign.

That character can then be imported into the standard manage characters mode for the ruleset, or into a new game by the GM.

The export is just an XML file.


June 24th, 2015, 19:40
I get where you do the export from the game and then just reimport into the standard rule set what I don't understand is does that allow me to import the character into the new game which would mean only one export and for me and one import into the new game since it will just be in the standard rule set otherwise I am having each dm import just once and keep track of the changes and update the character

Moon Wizard
June 24th, 2015, 19:53
The short story is that the PC record in Manage Characters mode and the PC record when connected to a campaign are independent of each other. This is why you need to export/import between games.

Here's how it works in detail.

Local Character Database
There is one local database of PCs for each ruleset (i.e. game system). This set of PCs can only be edited while in Manage Characters mode. This is the list of PCs available to select when you join a game as a player and select the Import button. When imported, a copy of the PC is made in the GM hosted campaign. The local version of the PC is independent of the new copy in the campaign. (i.e. edits to the local PC record are not reflected in the GM campaign PC record, and vice versa)

Campaign Character Database
When using the Manage Characters mode and specifying a previously played campaign, the characters from that campaign will also be shown in the Manage Characters list. However, these characters will be read only, since the GM machine is the master database for those characters now. These characters are not shown on the Import screen when joining games as a player. This functionality is only for reviewing characters between sessions, not updating them.

GM Database
When hosting a game as a GM, the PCs are specific to that GM campaign. When a player joins a game and imports a PC, a copy of the PC is made from the player machine to the GM machine. From that point forward, the PC copy in the GM campaign is independent from the local PC record. The player can review a copy of their PC between sessions using the Manage Characters mode, but can not edit the campaign PC record while not connected to the campaign.


June 25th, 2015, 00:43
it wont take your Gm more than a minute to do wither Import or Export - just let them know in advance you are bringing the character and have an easy way to share it with the GM.