View Full Version : Campaign building question

June 21st, 2015, 18:33
For a long running Campaign

I got to thinking that by level 20 a campaign could be rather large.

I am Currently running a group through LMoP, the through a side adventure that segways into the dragon queen

Should I try to keep it all in one campaign or break it into smaller campaigns and transfer characters as we go?

June 21st, 2015, 19:28
The other way around is easier. Generally you base campaign should only have the PCs in it and maybe some general world info/maps. All of your other adventures should be modules you open when running that adventure and then close when they are done.

June 21st, 2015, 23:31
Use LMoP as your example - it is a module that you load into and then unload from your campaign.
That is the best way to manage your campaign data.

Build side quests in a separate campaign and export them as modules. You can then load these modules into your live campaign. You can also reuse these in another campaign easily that way.

June 21st, 2015, 23:45
I'm currently running the Shackled City adventure path, which is 1 - 20. I have a campaign in FG where the player characters are, as well as a few NPCs like the paladin's warhorse and a warlock's familiar. I have another campaign where I put in all the maps, NPCs, etc from the main city that forms the base of operations and quest hub, then I have a campaign for each chapter of the adventure path (12 chapters.) For each campaign other than the one with the PCs, I have exported it as a module and I open them in as needed for the players. Even so, it is starting to take Fantasy Grounds a while to load up. I'm looking forward to the multithreading unity build.