View Full Version : Demos / freebees can't connect to my ultimate.

Art Wendorf
June 20th, 2015, 05:09
So I've determined that for some reasons, demos/freebees/trials cannot connect to my Ultimate license. I *think* it's because I orginally put the silly license number in the "lite to full" spot in the set up screen and was running it like that (as I had the full version previously and, for whatever reason, thought that since I was "upgrading" that the new license went there). Now, even though I've corrected the error and my splash screen reads v.3.1.1 Ultimate, anyone with the free version cannot connect. (It says, "Host is running an incompatible version.")

Am I going to have to just completely uninstall Fantasy grounds? Or is there (like some many time before) some small thing I'm missing?

Or maybe it's because I went from a Ultimate subscription to a full blown "Bought the whole thing" Ultimate.

June 20th, 2015, 05:12
Tell you what - fire up FG as a host and give me either your external IP or your Alias and I'll see if I can connect and if not, why no - deal?

Art Wendorf
June 20th, 2015, 05:18
I'm fired up. My server alias is keen dice good camp.

I've run games with other Ultimates and fulls and it works fine. Just with the Free versions am I having problems.

June 20th, 2015, 05:19
OK - hang on...

June 20th, 2015, 05:25
Right, I'm in - which means its not you but the other Player(s)

Art Wendorf
June 20th, 2015, 05:26
Ok. Thanks.

June 20th, 2015, 05:39
Are they trying to connect from within the same network as you? Are you online when they try to connect to you? Can they access the FG website? Are any of them located in Asia?

June 20th, 2015, 06:12
Yeah, I can connect too (Ultimate).

Moon Wizard
June 20th, 2015, 07:13
The incompatible version message means that they are running a version of the software prior to 3.1.0, and that they need to update in order to connect.


June 20th, 2015, 08:43
The incompatible version message means that they are running a version of the software prior to 3.1.0, and that they need to update in order to connect.


What ^ says!
Typically you can connect to a version thats slightly different to the one you are running but at certain updates including the bigger .1 (as opposed to the .0.1) updates you all have to be on the same version. Have your players click the the red Update button on the splash screen.

Art Wendorf
June 20th, 2015, 13:50
Thank you to everyone for the incredibly timely and accurate advice! We got it to work very quickly once we discovered the problem with your help. Which highlighted, I think, one of the key features of Fantasy Grounds that you can't see in the program itself: the incredibly helpful community and developers.

And even though I was wasted from a particularly challenging but rewarding day delivering anesthesia at work and I therefore icked up some of the features (Must remember to drag monsters to CT then to the map for Targeting to work correctly!), I sold him on using Fantasy Grounds or, more accurately, got the following response (paraphrased): "Ooooh, ok. I see. Ok. I like Fantasy Grounds now."

I guess he was having difficulty figuring it out and now it's clicked and a full version (possibly ultimate) will be had.

Couldn't have done it without everybody's help.

June 20th, 2015, 14:28
So, what was the actual Issue? it would be interesting and useful to know for future reference.

June 20th, 2015, 14:33
So, what was the actual Issue? it would be interesting and useful to know for future reference.


June 20th, 2015, 14:43
I'm assuming by that you mean an incompatible version number between client and host?

Wouldn't that have been easier to say, instead putting in a link to a previous post in the same thread?

And while I appreciate that the answer to my question was implied in the previous post, it would have been nice for it to have been explicitly stated!

But thankyou :)

Art Wendorf
June 20th, 2015, 16:03
Yup, it was just a matter of him using v. and me using v.3.1.1. Once he updated, everything was smooth!