View Full Version : Do you guys have a roadmap posted of things to come?

June 15th, 2015, 17:32
Are any of these on the roadmap?

- Integrated voice chat
- High-res / more modern looking interface

Just a couple of things my players have asked me about. Neither are that big of a deal for me, just thought I'd pass along their questions.


June 15th, 2015, 19:06
I REALLY can't see spending any time on voice unless it's to use an existing API to hook into an existing service. With the plethora of free &/or cheap options it just doesn't make sense from a resource point of view.

Moon Wizard
June 15th, 2015, 21:21
There's no posted roadmap, since that prevents us from being able to pivot the business as needed and creates issues if we miss milestones.

We have an internal roadmap I generate every year as an exercise to make sure that we get a chance to look at the bigger picture, especially to consider business needs, user requests and technical considerations. However, we do not publish (as noted above) and it has in the past changed drastically over the following year as business needs change, publishers are acquired, technical limits are identified and more.


June 15th, 2015, 23:36
For an idea of things the community has requested and prioritized, you can look at Moon's signature and see the wish list. I suspect that's a fairly good view of what's planned, though as Moon says, he always has to be able to adapt so no promises on what he's working on at the moment.

June 16th, 2015, 01:37
Be Awesome!