View Full Version : Losing character data between sessions

June 14th, 2015, 13:38
I'm experiencing a strange issue with a locally created character I have that I'm using with someone else's ultimate edition (I also have ultimate).

We are playing LMoP and my local character doesn't seem to be updating after I make changes while connected, such as leveling. My character in the combat tracker, while I'm connected, isn't updating with initiative rolls or damage to me, though damage I make to others is correct. I also have to keep setting my die colour and token.

Is the fact that I've set up a copy of LMoP that I will be starting to DM for my nephews soon conflicting?

It's really irritating and no one else is having the problem.

MODERATOR: Moved to new thread so as not to derail the main 5E bug tracking thread.

June 14th, 2015, 13:44
what is the process you are using to bring your local character into the other game?
is there any chance that teh actual game name your friend is running is identical to a game name you have started locally and connected to locally?

Moon Wizard
June 14th, 2015, 18:27
If you made the character locally, then a copy is made when you import to the host on the character selection screen for that session, and that copy on the GM machine is the only one that gets updated during the campaign. Also, when you Manage Characters for that specific session, you should see two copies of the character (one which is the local version (which can be edited but is only visible on your machine), and one which is the campaign version (which can not be edited and is just a copy of the character from the GM machine at the end of your last session in that campaign)).

Definitely need to get more information to see how to resolve the issue.

Some questions:
* Are the changes being lost between sessions, or during the session?
* When connecting to the host, do you see your character in the initial character selection window, or are you going back to import?


June 15th, 2015, 02:40
Thanks for the responses guys.

To bring my character into the game I am clicking the blue arrow pointing upwards to import my local character.
It is possible that my local copy of the game has the same name as our GM's copy, I've called mine Lost Mine of Phandelver...
We only had our second game last night, but I did notice when connecting that my character wasn't shown and I had to import it again. I was sort of impatient so perhaps I will wait to see if it appears next time.
The changes were lost between sessions.

June 15th, 2015, 03:09
Do try changing the name of your local campaign to something else.
Rename the cache file and then when you connect to the GM it will create a new one... hopefully that will stop this issue.

June 15th, 2015, 05:02
I've done that, and in the process realised that my local cache of the DM's game already has a different name.