View Full Version : Versatile weapons please help

June 15th, 2015, 00:30
Hi all I was just wondering how to enable the Versatile rule with some of the weapons.. SO can someone please explain how or where I can find a video or or tutorial on that ....

June 15th, 2015, 00:38
Hi all I was just wondering how to enable the Versatile rule with some of the weapons.. SO can someone please explain how or where I can find a video or or tutorial on that ....

If you mean having them roll the 2h damage I usually just add another attack in on their actions tab.

June 15th, 2015, 01:22
If you mean having them roll the 2h damage I usually just add another attack in on their actions tab.

I am finding that a lot of stuff is manual. I was hoping for more

June 15th, 2015, 01:46
I thought that the Pathfinder ruleset automatically gave you the ability to roll 1 handed or 2 handed on a bastard sword, but I might be remembering it incorrectly. In 5e, so far, you have to manually create a new weapon entry for your versatile weapons.

June 15th, 2015, 01:52
In Pathfinder, you can put 1.5 in the field before Str on a weapon to change it to deal 2H damage. 5e uses a different system for using a weapon in both hands.

June 15th, 2015, 02:19
I am finding that a lot of stuff is manual. I was hoping for more
The ruleset is never going to cover every option in the game, that would just be impossible - especially with a constantly evolving RPG system which also has optional rules (in the case of 5E). The developers aim to cover 80% of functionality, and so far I think they're doing a pretty good job.

If there are specific things you want to see, add them to the FG wishlist: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/ Remember to specify if the request is for a particular ruleset only. The devs review entries in the wishlist and weight up the impact of adding them, if they can be rolled into other requests, etc., etc.. You may not see your request immediately, but you might see it sometime down the line...

But I'd recommend posting in the forums first - so you can find out if there definitely isn't a way to do what you're looking for. It's very easy for even us old hands to miss functionality (especially recently introduced functions).

June 15th, 2015, 04:08
If you mean having them roll the 2h damage I usually just add another attack in on their actions tab.

This is how we do it as well.

The good news is things are being added but it takes time.

I just started DMing a month or two ago, learning how to create effects is very helpful, can be a bit frustrating as well :), but once you have it allows you to really make things flow.

The programmers here will see it as trivial and forget not everyone thinks that way, but once you get the quirks understood the system runs very well IMHO.
No Offense to the programmers, they help make wonderful extensions, just at times they can seem a bit gruff.

June 15th, 2015, 04:08
The ruleset is never going to cover every option in the game, that would just be impossible - especially with a constantly evolving RPG system which also has optional rules (in the case of 5E). The developers aim to cover 80% of functionality, and so far I think they're doing a pretty good job.

If there are specific things you want to see, add them to the FG wishlist: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/ Remember to specify if the request is for a particular rule-set only. The devs review entries in the wishlist and weight up the impact of adding them, if they can be rolled into other requests, etc., etc.. You may not see your request immediately, but you might see it sometime down the line...

But I'd recommend posting in the forums first - so you can find out if there definitely isn't a way to do what you're looking for. It's very easy for even us old hands to miss functionality (especially recently introduced functions).

Maybe they should put that on the front page.. " D&D 5E Rule set 80 % complete" buy now.

June 15th, 2015, 04:15
Im Very happy with the product as well as the devs and mods.. Everybody is very helpful... I also understand what they mean about the impossibility of adding everything into the set... Thank You all and keep up the great work...

June 15th, 2015, 04:16
Maybe they should put that on the front page.. " D&D 5E Rule set 80 % complete" buy now.

That's still about 60% more than their closest competitor.

June 15th, 2015, 04:35
Maybe they should put that on the front page.. " D&D 5E Rule set 80 % complete" buy now.

Thats really an interesting statement.
When you sit around the table and you have the pick the dice up and throw them and work out whether you hit or miss what % complete do you call that?
The rules are in the PHB and MM and DMG so in that regard you might say its 67% complete?
The mechanics to make things happen automatically that is amazing and cool but RPGs would have to be one of the worst things to try and program for - everything has exceptions. And the relationships between different things is so interconnected that to code one new thing in you have to then code so many checks and optional cases that it is very challenging.

Did I sound defensive? Probably. It wasnt mean to. Its a serious question - compared to the pen and paper way of handling all these things you could almost call it 137% complete :)

June 15th, 2015, 04:38
I am with @epithet and the fact FG has a relationship with WotC sealed the deal for me for using FG as my VTT. I have friends of yore scattered across the states and now we can all sit down and play DnD together again and for that I am in awe and grateful for the time and effort of the FG team. I can live with the minor fudging I have to do to get it going, I can understand others may not. Heck, if you cannot implement it on the VTT just roll some dice, adjudicate the effect and add the damage or boon to the character. I have found I do about 75%+ less paperwork to get a game up and running compared to setting it all up on a table. I am still learning, lurking on the forums, taking notes, trying out a suggestion; just having a blast figuring all this out. Keep in mind; FG is not the panacea to virtual RPGing but, it comes darn close so have fun and enjoy the learning experience.

June 15th, 2015, 04:52
There are many things that are not in. and no they do not warn of that.
So the only way to know is to read through pages here, or pay and find out.

There are other things that look like they should work but do not. These bother me the most to be honest.

But I have found nothing that works better.
I wish WOTC would have had the sense that goats had when it came to pricing, but anyone who has dealt with them in the past knows they do not.

Being able to game with friends who have moved away makes it worth the cost, to me.

June 16th, 2015, 11:19
Agree with the above posts.. its a balancing act of 'done for you' v ' flexible enough to edit' - i think we would complain bitterly if it was fully automated as per the rules with no flexibility to use our own idea, thoughts and custom options ( as per the old online character builder)

But there is an oversold issue here, that often people who start to use it get a little frustrated by, and feel a little let down with some of the more basic things that don't work as you would expect them to - there are lots of examples but feats is the real obvious one..I gain the Alert feat, I drag it from the PHB onto my character and I have a lovely bit of text telling me I gain +5 bonus to initiative among others... but why doesn't it, cant it just add +5 to my initiative... and I know all the programming reasons, but as a person who has just spent quite a lot of money buying this, you can see why people get that frustration. There is no pre-buy list of it will do that, but wont do that, you automate that, but that is manual, because there are to many options and variables to account for. The FG tools give me the ability to amend and add things and automate this, I am not having issue with the FG tools these are great , but the content integration is an issue

The guys at Smiteworks can be a victim of their own success here. When it was the players Par5e'ing content, adding extensions, making work a rounds, it is a good community of users all helping to support and make the hobby better. When you pay for content (probably content you have already paid for once already in book form) as well as pay to use the FG product you do believe you are paying for integration and automation when you buy the content, and the developers are now people you pay to make stuff work. It has really changed the dynamic, and I am sure you understand that.

As Larac say " I have found nothing that works better. Being able to game with friends who have moved away makes it worth the cost, to me."

but there is still frustration that I paid for content twice, PHB and PHB , MM and MM, DMG .. and I am sure the DMG when it comes out.. and still a fair bit of what I bought is just to read the text again this time not in the book but on a screen.

December 22nd, 2015, 05:06
Using this older topic but I've run into an odd problem. I've been adding weapons twice for the versatile property but last night I tried to add a 2nd Warhammer to a character and it will not show up a second time in the actions tab, although it increases the number carried in inventory. What is very odd is this same character has 2 battle axes in the action tab and they show up as separate inventory items. Another PC has two war hammers and those show up as separate inventory items.

However in this instance when I add a second War Hammer it just increases the inventory count.

Any ideas?

December 22nd, 2015, 05:54
What I've done is "create" a new weapon (instead of power) and then copy and paste (or sometimes just type from the original) the info to create a second weapon with the same name.

December 22nd, 2015, 11:04
Using this older topic but I've run into an odd problem. I've been adding weapons twice for the versatile property but last night I tried to add a 2nd Warhammer to a character and it will not show up a second time in the actions tab, although it increases the number carried in inventory. What is very odd is this same character has 2 battle axes in the action tab and they show up as separate inventory items. Another PC has two war hammers and those show up as separate inventory items.

However in this instance when I add a second War Hammer it just increases the inventory count.

Any ideas?

If you drag a weapon into the actions tab it will add one to the inventory; similarly if you add a weapon into the inventory it will create entries in the actions tab. If it is a weapon which can be used either as a melee or thrown weapon (such as a dagger) it will create two entries. No matter how many more of the same weapon you drag in it will never create another entry in the actions tab, but will continue to fill up the inventory. This is working as intended.

So if the weapon is a versatile weapon then adding it twice will just give you one entry in the Actions tab and two weapons in the inventory. For versatile weapons you need to create a new weapon entry in the action tab and give if the stats for using it two handed.

I can't explain the double inventory entries but it's most likely that the duplicates were created (as items) rather than dragged from the PHB or perhaps they came from a different source such as a parcel from a module.

December 22nd, 2015, 14:09
Maybe they should put that on the front page.. " D&D 5E Rule set 80 % complete" buy now.

Sorry you are unhappy with it. Regardless of the limitations, I am 100% delighted the product and any shortcomings I can usually fix by adding an effect, a new attack power, etc. When all else fails, I just put a description on the combat tracker for the player or creature to remind myself.

December 22nd, 2015, 14:22
This post is pretty old, I have come to appreciate what FG does offer. Perfect it is not but still a lot of good content.
I agree with Karykzen so far I have found very doable work around for all the odd little quirky things. It all seems so intuitive now that I rarely think of it as a work around but more of a feature.

Plus I want to say that every time I have had a real issue FG support has been phenomenal!

December 22nd, 2015, 20:46
If you drag a weapon into the actions tab it will add one to the inventory; similarly if you add a weapon into the inventory it will create entries in the actions tab. If it is a weapon which can be used either as a melee or thrown weapon (such as a dagger) it will create two entries. No matter how many more of the same weapon you drag in it will never create another entry in the actions tab, but will continue to fill up the inventory. This is working as intended.

So if the weapon is a versatile weapon then adding it twice will just give you one entry in the Actions tab and two weapons in the inventory. For versatile weapons you need to create a new weapon entry in the action tab and give if the stats for using it two handed.

I can't explain the double inventory entries but it's most likely that the duplicates were created (as items) rather than dragged from the PHB or perhaps they came from a different source such as a parcel from a module.

This doesn't make sense to me as this is exactly what I did for the other PC.

December 22nd, 2015, 21:05
This doesn't make sense to me as this is exactly what I did for the other PC.

Ok, I'll try again.

If you drag, let's say a club into a player's inventory it will add one club into the inventory and will create a weapon entry into the actions tab. If you now drag a second club either into the inventory or into the actions tab it will add a second club into the inventory but will not add a second entry into the actions tab.

If you drag a club from the PHB into the items dialog (the big button named items down the left right hand side) and then drag it from there into either the inventory or the actions tab it will add a club to the inventory and create a weapon line in the weapons action tab. If you drag another one from the same place it will add one to the inventory but will not create another entry in the actions tab.

If, however, after dragging the first club you then edit the club in some way in the items dialog and then drag it into the actions tab or the inventory it will create a new item in the inventory and create a new line in the weapons action. This is because FG treats it as a different weapon because it has been edited. This might also occur if you obtained a second copy of the same weapon from a different source such as a module rather than from the PHB; I haven't tested that however so I can't be sure that this is the case.

Does this make things any clearer?

December 22nd, 2015, 21:11
Confirmed: From the Horde of the Dragon Queen item list, I dragged an identified (but non-magical) Spear into an otherwise blank character sheet on the inventory tab. I then also dragged a spear into the inventory tab from the Players Handbook equipment list. This set up two lines in my inventory and two sets of actions.

But, if I drag two from the same source, it does as Zacchaeus says, it adds one to the Quantity in the Inventory tab, and doesn't create a new set of actions in the actions tab.

December 24th, 2015, 15:08
To specifically address creating a Versatile weapon entry, I add the weapon (let's use a longsword) to their inventory from my PHB. Then I drop a longsword into my campaign item window, and rename it Longsword (Versatile). I drop that into the Actions tab and it creates a new entry. Then I edit the entry and change the damage to a d10.

You can also just right click in the actions tab and create a new weapon entry, and just enter the details in (copying the original weapon), changing the damage die. This is quicker for me, because it's pretty simple--and I already do it for "Unarmed Strike" which many of my players love using (plus it's nice to make for monks)

December 24th, 2015, 16:26
To specifically address creating a Versatile weapon entry, I add the weapon (let's use a longsword) to their inventory from my PHB. Then I drop a longsword into my campaign item window, and rename it Longsword (Versatile). I drop that into the Actions tab and it creates a new entry. Then I edit the entry and change the damage to a d10.

You can also just right click in the actions tab and create a new weapon entry, and just enter the details in (copying the original weapon), changing the damage die. This is quicker for me, because it's pretty simple--and I already do it for "Unarmed Strike" which many of my players love using (plus it's nice to make for monks)

And also using this method you get the description of the weapon if you click the little icon to the right whereas if you create a new weapon you get nothing.