View Full Version : Returning D&D player...

June 10th, 2015, 22:13
I am interested in Fantasy Grounds and starting to play again as years ago the group I played p&p with has split up. I have not played anything past the 2nd edition am interested in learning. I have always waited for some kind of virtual top and came across this via podcast this week. I do have a couple questions. Is their a way of demoing rather than buying memberships or class packs? Also if I decide this is a good move for me playing, do I purchase both a membership and class pack?

June 10th, 2015, 23:02
Welcome to the community!

You can load the demo version and run a second instance on your computer connecting to localhost to simulate a two person game and play around with one of the two sample campaigns "A Tale of Dinor" for a small taste. Or find a GM in the LFG section with an Ultimate license that lets you joing and play for free.

And it depends on what you want to do, are you going to be a player and your GM has the Ultimate license? You don't need anything. Might you going to play with multiple GM's? If so I would recomend getting the Full version. If you are a player MOST of the time you should never need any of the packs, the GM will share them from his end and you will have access when you log into his session.

If you are the GM you don't have to get anything if you don't want. You can type everything in manually as you go. If you want to save time I would suggest buying the 2 (soon to be three) core packs and you would be good to go.

June 11th, 2015, 00:37
The core packs Nylanfs refers to are specifically for the D&D 5E ruleset. Other rulesets that come with Fantasy Grounds that you might be interested in are D&D 3.5E and Pathfinder (often referred to as D&D 3.75 because it built heavily on D&D 3.5E). These two RPGs were released under the Open Gaming License (OGL) that allows most of game system material to be shared. Because of this, there is a lot of data that comes as part of the rulesets (included in Fantasy Grounds with any licence) and also there are a number of good community produced library modules available: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?16074-List-of-Modules and lots of adventures ready to go available from the store: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/?search=&sys=9&pub=-1&typ=3&x=5&y=15&sort=1