View Full Version : Characters Disappear

June 10th, 2015, 03:37
Characters keep disappearing from the menu whenever I close the program. All of them disappear except for first one I made. I don't wanna have to export and import every time I open and close the program so I'd rather just solve whatever the problem is.

June 10th, 2015, 03:45
A few questions:

Which ruleset are you making characters in?
Are you creating the characters in a campaign or in "Manage Characters"?
What licence do you have?
Where are they disappearing from? Are you joining a GM game as a player or are you the GM?

June 10th, 2015, 03:47
4.I'm the GM everyone else is free.

June 10th, 2015, 04:06
Do you have your FG data directory backed up via a cloud sync service such as DropBox, Google Drive, One Drive, etc.?

Another thing to check - on the top right of the FG launch screen you'll see the version number in the top right - does it say "3.1.1 Ultimate"?

June 10th, 2015, 04:08
Yeah I'm on 3.1.1 Ultimate, I dont have cloud sync. I'm trying making characters through manage characters see if that does anything

June 10th, 2015, 04:08
Is it you, the GM, that doesn't see the characters? Or is it the players logging in not seeing them?

June 10th, 2015, 04:09
I'm not seeing them, my friends haven't connected yet. I was just putting in their sheets for them to be prepared for when we play.

June 10th, 2015, 04:13
Try the following to see if there are any warning:

When you load up your campaign, type /console in the chat window and press enter to bring up the FG console.
Enter a new, basic, character.
Type /save in the chat window and press enter.
See if there are any warnings etc. in the console window.

If you don't get any warnings. Exit FG and run it again and see if the basic character created is in the campaign. If it isn't, exit FG and then run it as Administrator - right-click on the FG application shortcut and select "Run as Administrator" - then try the same process above.

June 10th, 2015, 04:23
I made a new campaign so idk if that made a difference but it's working now when I did your last set of instructions. thanks for the help. would you be able to help me out with this too by chance? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?24653-I-bought-two-maps-and-they-re-not-showing-up-in-the-program

June 10th, 2015, 05:11
would you be able to help me out with this too by chance? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?24653-I-bought-two-maps-and-they-re-not-showing-up-in-the-program
May-be... :)

Moon Wizard
June 10th, 2015, 20:45
Manage Characters is only used for players, and are only available when connecting as a player.

To get into your GM campaign, you have two options:

1. Go to Manage Characters mode, go to character selection screen, hit edit button, export each character, return to launch screen, go to campaign, open character selection screen, hit edit button, import each character.

2. Open FG in your GM campaign, launch second instance of FG, join your own game (connect to 'localhost'), on player character selection screen, hit import button, select character to import, a copy of character will be added to campaign.

Apologies for formatting. Working from phone.
