View Full Version : Text widget rotation

June 10th, 2015, 01:18
I'm aware of setRadialPosition() but is there any way to actually rotate the text widget so the text displays vertically (or sideways, depending on how you think of it)?

I'm thinking not, since all the character sheet tab text is still defined as a fixed png, but I thought I'd check.

Moon Wizard
June 11th, 2015, 01:02
No. The current engine doesn't support non-rectangular regions or output easily, so this will be something for the wish list and post-Unity versions.


June 11th, 2015, 01:56
Kinda figured, but hey worth asking before I start gimping vertical tabs ;)

Thanks for all the hard work JPG. Y'all have saved FG. Phenomenal what you've accomplished.

And since I'm here, after the transition to unity will it be strictly LUA on the scripting or will we be able to do C#? I'd love to be able to have something that's a bit more pure OO. It would make many things easier.

Moon Wizard
June 11th, 2015, 07:05
If we added C#, you would be writing your own tabletop. ;)

Jokes aside, we're going to stick with XML/Lua for the foreseeable future. It's a fairly easy scripting language to pick up, and the only other alternative would be JavaScript. However, I don't see any benefits to changing at this point, especially given the large library of DLC that depends on XML/Lua.

Also, one of the reasons why you can't do more OO type programming in Lua was that the original designers of FG created a mechanism to allow each on-screen object to have it's own Lua space, which really limits the usual OO Lua hacks. It's sort of like a bastardized version of OO in itself.


June 11th, 2015, 11:06
Yeah I guess I would, wouldn't I ;)... Not a huge fan of javascript and Lua is very familiar to me at this point, so that's cool. Eager to see the Unity implementation when it's ready, however I underdstand that you all have your hands full with the WotC stuff at this point.