View Full Version : Savage Worlds- Sam's Club Diaries Zombie Horror One Shot

June 9th, 2015, 19:11
Hi Everyone,

This thursday 6/11/2015 I am looking to run a zombie horror one shot and I am looking for players- Pregen characters will be provided

FG License: Full License
Game System: Savage Worlds
Time Zone: 7:00pm Eastern Time

Day of week and time: Thursday,June 11th 2015
If new game, planned start date: N/A
Planned Frequency: This is a one Shot
Term: This is a one shot

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Teamspeak

Roleplay & Combat mix:50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: 4 to play, 5 to fill
Character starting level & equipment: Level 0- Pregens will be provided
Character restrictions: Level 0- Pregens will be provided

Details of your scenario: This is a one shot I would like to try out- Experienced or New players welcome- It was a normal day in Beaver Falls, Colorado and the employees who were closing at the local Beaver Falls Sam's club were tired and ready to go home. But they quickly discover that the world outside is much different then when they arrived at work. They must work together to survive and fight the zombie onslaught.

Link to Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=1452

Please reply in the thread if you are interested

June 9th, 2015, 19:25
Hey Dae. I know I joined your war of the dead game but i'll go ahead and join this one too.

June 9th, 2015, 20:28
Hey Dae. I know I joined your war of the dead game but i'll go ahead and join this one too.

That's totally cool. It's a one shot so there is no commitment. ;) That's one down, need a few more to get going

June 10th, 2015, 14:45
Ok We have two people so far signed up on the calendar. I will go with 3 or 4 players (would like to fill up but 3 or 4 will do). I have Fantasy Grounds set up and I am working on a technical issue which I hope to get fixed tonight. If not I may need to postpone this but I hope not.

I will let you know what is going on. In the meantime if anyone else wants to sign up please feel free to do so.

June 10th, 2015, 17:19
You said "This thursday 6/10/2015....." but 6/10/2015 is today Wednesday. Just wanted to point that out.

I would like to give this a try if there is still room. This will be my first game in FG if thats ok. I do have the paid version of FG.

June 10th, 2015, 17:59

That was a typo. Thanks for letting me know. In the major description text and on the calendar it is correct. Just had a typo in one place. And I accepted you so we now how 3 players. We can get going but hopefully between now and tomorrow we get another player or two.

June 10th, 2015, 18:47
Cool thanks for the update. cant wait to get this game going it sounds fun. Is there any more of the back story you can tell us or things going on in the events leading up to the start of the game?

June 10th, 2015, 19:57

Beaver Falls, Colorado is a small town more up in the mountains/hills of Colorado. There are two ways out of town, over a metal draw bridge to the other side (originally the only way out of town) and via a tunnel that goes through a large mountain (which was completed in the late 60's).

The town is small of around 5,000 people (give or take) so people know each other. When the players went into work the day of the outbreak everything was normal and there was no sign of anything wrong. Over the past few days (and the day of the outbreak) there are some heavy rains that have caused flooding and the river raised to where if you were standing on the drawbridge the water was up to the metal grate.

The characters can have some knowledge about zombies (from movies) but under stress they might not be able to bring up what they know in an instant.

How is that Koral?

June 11th, 2015, 05:59
That was the best thanks.

June 11th, 2015, 11:20
We still on for tonight?

June 11th, 2015, 13:39
Daedalus what is your technical issue? Can we help?

June 11th, 2015, 15:49
We still on for tonight?

We are on for tonight. We have 3 players and we can go with that. We have two more open slots so if anyone else wants to join they are welcome to do so. If you know anyone who might want to jump in please let them know about the game. The more the merrier.

June 11th, 2015, 15:51
Daedalus what is your technical issue? Can we help?

Damned: Thanks, but I got it resolved. It had to do with port forwarding with my router. The router is from my internet provider and is a router/modem combo. They were no help except getting me into the router and I was able to look up the other information on google. The joys of dealing with outsourced support.

June 11th, 2015, 20:27
We are on for tonight. We have 3 players and we can go with that. We have two more open slots so if anyone else wants to join they are welcome to do so. If you know anyone who might want to jump in please let them know about the game. The more the merrier.

Ok. Do we need any experience with the savage worlds system? I have 0.

June 11th, 2015, 20:44
Ok. Do we need any experience with the savage worlds system? I have 0.

Nah, I can help you out with that. It will be 50 percent role playing/50 percent combat, more or less

June 11th, 2015, 20:51
We are using the Teamspeak server that was set up for here. Here is the information:


Description: 450 Player Teamspeak 3
Hostname: ts.fg-con.com
Server Password Dungeoneers

Make sure you have teamspeak set up and working on your computer before the game please

June 11th, 2015, 21:44
Bumping it up one more time to see if we can get one or two more players

June 11th, 2015, 22:17
I mentioned it in the other thread, but my real world game for tonight got called off. I'd be willing join in on this.

June 12th, 2015, 00:05
I mentioned it in the other thread, but my real world game for tonight got called off. I'd be willing join in on this.

Your welcome to loony, just please sign up on the calander

June 12th, 2015, 00:06
Guys, I am here but I am running behind. Been by the side of the road with a flat tire so the game will start at 7:30. Sorry. You can connect to teamspeak though. You will see the room- Savage Worlds- Sam's Club Diaries. Passsword: zombies

June 12th, 2015, 00:07
Hoi Chummer, Drek head frakkin' dead heads needing fragged. . . We're on the clock, and fully stocked. . . Oh wait wrong system. . . Where you at Dead?

June 12th, 2015, 00:59
Hoi Chummer, Drek head frakkin' dead heads needing fragged. . . We're on the clock, and fully stocked. . . Oh wait wrong system. . . Where you at Dead?

I'm here just running behind because of a flat tire

June 12th, 2015, 14:21
Thank you guys for last night. Despite the (many) technical issues it was a lot of fun and the full on campaign will be even better.

Thanks again

June 12th, 2015, 15:24
Np it was fun and ever one needs to start somewhere