View Full Version : LFG - A fantasy game

June 6th, 2015, 08:27
May name is Magnus Andersson and I’m a middle aged guy from Sweden.
I have played PRGs manny different forms over the years.
Now I have a wife and a kids and it’s pretty hard to get a group together.
Maybe FG can fix that.
I would love to take part in an online RPG game.
I have always liked dungeon crawls and I know a lot about the “D&D universe”.
But any fantasy game will do.

I’m fluent in English(and Swedish)
I can play from 20:00 GMT – any day in the week

So send me a message if you have a spot for me.

June 6th, 2015, 08:34
I'm looking to run a Savage Worlds one shot next Thursday. I'm open to being persuaded as to what setting I run. Thread is here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?24583-Savage-Worlds-One-Shot-Thursday-11-June-1900-GMT-1).

June 6th, 2015, 08:40
A couple of slots have opened up in my Saturday evening game of The One Ring, due to player commitments. We're only one adventure in, just finishing the first scenario today and should get to the fellowship phase (player narrated and advancement phase).
Calendar Entry: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=1410

As a GM, I want players who will engage with the setting, the story and their characters. I want players with a mature (in outlook not age) attitude, who will act as the free-folk of Middle-earth are liable to act. You will gain shadow (especially for misdeeds) and lose hope, this is not a punishment but part of the setting. I want players who are interested in story over character "optimisation" or making the system work for them. Preferably no Dunedain or Elves. If you want to play one of those races, I want a good backstory and reason for it. Elves are naturally insular, and both would have their duties at home that would exclude them from an adventuring life.

Ideally, ordinary folk who have decided to act rather than sit back and watch. A holding or steadfast could form a part of the game at some point, with the characters protecting their home. This will be a two-way process, the more players give me as story from their characters and engage with the setting, the more I'm going to be able to provide as a GM and the longer the story will go on.

The company is currently down the mines in Mountain Hall. Have a look in the campaign folder (linked in the GM announcements) to see what has occurred so far. Especially the Tales of Years that tells you what your characters know about what is going on. The game system information links tell you a little about The One Ring game itself.