View Full Version : [LFP] One-Shot Friday June 5th 10:30pm EDT (UTC -4)

May 31st, 2015, 16:52
If you'd like to try out FG or supplement your gaming schedule with a one-shot well, I'm running one for the Society of Extraordinary Gamers and everybody regardless of experience with FG or Savage Worlds (https://www.peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/TD06.pdf) is invited.

A Landless Man. A Wanderer. A Puritan.
Solomon Kane is many things, but above all, he is a hero. In a time of savagery and horror, he wanders the darkest corners of the Earth and battles the evil he finds hidden within. From the savage interior of Africa to the cold forests of Europe, the frigid mountains of Cathay, and the blood-soaked jungles of South America he battles merciless butchers, deathless queens, and even winged demons in his pursuit of righteous vengeance.
Now your hero can follow the Path of Kane. Whether a Puritan wanderer, a misguided pirate, or a soldier of fortune, a time of legend has come and fate has chosen her champions. Kane began the fight against an ancient evil so great it could destroy humanity, but now others must carry the torch into the darkness.
Strap on a brace of pistols, sharpen your blade, and steel your mind. You are about to walk the Path Solomon Kane!

When: Friday June 5th at 10:30pm EDT (UTC -4) and will last 3 hours
VOIP: TeamSpeak
Preparation: None required, Pre-Gen characters provided
About myself: I've been a GM for 25+ years and FG GM for 6+ years. If you'd like a sample of the type of GM I am here's an actual-play youtube video of me running a game:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m54btJhPHsA
Players min/max: 4/7 (2 have already signed up)

If you'd like to join PM or reply to this post with your email address so I can get you all set up. If you have any questions, just ask.

June 1st, 2015, 06:25
Game is full.

June 1st, 2015, 07:24

June 6th, 2015, 12:07
Savage World of Solomon Kane (Legions of the Dead) on +Fantasy Grounds (https://plus.google.com/103619950996682740172) with the Society of Extraordinary Gamers (+Bernard Howell (https://plus.google.com/102384384392253065715)+Miguel McDowell (https://plus.google.com/115755447250576195190)+Daniel McLaughlin (https://plus.google.com/114845223060452699641)+Lan Kelly (https://plus.google.com/100603692328341229064)+Roger Macek (https://plus.google.com/105192186839529207382) and +Keith Bailey (https://plus.google.com/116879119742531529085) ). Laying the knights of the order of the cathedral of St.Peter of Antioch to rest and blood bath in the chapel.

