View Full Version : Reign of Winter - Sun 6:30 pm pst weekly - Need 1 player - Near end of Book 1 of 6

May 27th, 2015, 17:56

May 27th, 2015, 19:44
edit: Hmm not sure where the initial post went

May 27th, 2015, 19:49
Good question.

May 27th, 2015, 19:51
Looks like original post is back.

May 27th, 2015, 21:19
Definitely interested. Following is my response to your questions. If you think I am a fit, would be happy to join the group.

1. Experience: I'm an older gamer, not quite 60 years of age, but getting pretty close. I started playing D&D 2E about 30 years ago. I have also played Traveller and D&D 3.5e a lot. My group broke up and I continued playing on Open RPG, but again, the groups disbanded. I have been playing games the like of D&D Online since but really missed the interaction with a DM and the rest of the party. I've never played Pathfinder, but feel confident I can pick up the mechanics fairly quickly. Very new to FG, so will be learning how to use that as well.

2. To me, the fun has always been in the Role Play. I love character development and trying to react to situations that develop in game as the character would. I am not a rule lawyer by any stretch of the imagination. Combat is an important factor in FRP's but, in my mind, it shouldn't be the driving force for the entire campaign - it has its place, but if it were all combat focused, I probably wouldn't be interested/

3. I would be comfortable playing any race, but I struggle with the arcane spell casting classes. I have played clerics, fighters and rogues (with many of their variant classes). At this point, given that the party is already underway, I would defer to what class / race you think would add the most to party success and the overall story. I see you begin at 6:30 PM on Sundays - PST ... I live in EST but depending on how long you run, I could make that work. I work away from home a lot so adapting to the time would be my biggest challenge but not an insurmountable one.

If you are interested, let me know if you have any other questions.

Other than that, I haven't seen or played the story before. I haven't used Voice in prior games, so I would have to get used to that if you utilize it vs. text. I tend to be quick until I work my way into a new group - unless the character calls for jumping right in and mixing it up.

May 27th, 2015, 21:54
Hmm not sure where the initial post went
If the poster has a low post count (under 6 or 7, not sure what the exact value is) and they include external links or email addresses in a post it will require moderation before being displayed. In this case, the OP went back and edited their post and included an external link, so the post was removed from public viewand required moderation to show it again.

I've approved the post and it should be visible now. :-)

May 28th, 2015, 05:12
This listing is now closed. Found our 4th. Thank you all.

May 28th, 2015, 13:20
Definitely interested. Following is my response to your questions. If you think I am a fit, would be happy to join the group.

1. Experience: I'm an older gamer, not quite 60 years of age, but getting pretty close. I started playing D&D 2E about 30 years ago. I have also played Traveller and D&D 3.5e a lot. My group broke up and I continued playing on Open RPG, but again, the groups disbanded. I have been playing games the like of D&D Online since but really missed the interaction with a DM and the rest of the party. I've never played Pathfinder, but feel confident I can pick up the mechanics fairly quickly. Very new to FG, so will be learning how to use that as well.

2. To me, the fun has always been in the Role Play. I love character development and trying to react to situations that develop in game as the character would. I am not a rule lawyer by any stretch of the imagination. Combat is an important factor in FRP's but, in my mind, it shouldn't be the driving force for the entire campaign - it has its place, but if it were all combat focused, I probably wouldn't be interested/

3. I would be comfortable playing any race, but I struggle with the arcane spell casting classes. I have played clerics, fighters and rogues (with many of their variant classes). At this point, given that the party is already underway, I would defer to what class / race you think would add the most to party success and the overall story. I see you begin at 6:30 PM on Sundays - PST ... I live in EST but depending on how long you run, I could make that work. I work away from home a lot so adapting to the time would be my biggest challenge but not an insurmountable one.

If you are interested, let me know if you have any other questions.

Other than that, I haven't seen or played the story before. I haven't used Voice in prior games, so I would have to get used to that if you utilize it vs. text. I tend to be quick until I work my way into a new group - unless the character calls for jumping right in and mixing it up.

Welcome jotarq - if you arent the magical 4th keep an eye on New Posts https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/search.php?do=getnew&contenttype=vBForum_Post and apply for things that might take your fancy - branch out a little if you find it tough initially to land a game. Voice on Fantasy Grounds games isnt really intimidating - most people dont put on "character" voices but plenty also do like to. Many more games use voice than use text exclusively. Your age wont be a barrier - the average age of FG users is probably somewhere in the 40s... :)

May 28th, 2015, 19:47
Thanks Damned ... will keep plugging

May 29th, 2015, 01:47
Thanks Damned ... will keep plugging

Your game is out there....!