View Full Version : LFG- One shot or more

May 24th, 2015, 03:20
I'm interested in trying FG for 5e. I have Thursday or Saturday evenings available. I am UTC -6 time zone.
Thanks in advance.

May 24th, 2015, 03:34

Suggest you apply directly to games as well as your post here. Many games will fill up well before a GM actually starts actively approaching players.
Use the New Posts link https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/search.php?do=getnew&contenttype=vBForum_Post regularly and apply direct to games as they are posted.

May 24th, 2015, 05:55
Thanks I'll give them a try.

May 28th, 2015, 19:51
I'm still looking- I GM and want to see(this is a lie- I actually want to fiddle with it) the product before I invest. I am very happy with Roll20 but it takes hours to input data- this seems like a good fit to get a group off the ground. I have watched most of the YouTube videos- not the same as doing it. I have most Thursdays available and most Sundays- just to do a simple one shot to possibly create a character and do a couple combats.

May 28th, 2015, 21:19
If you'd like and are able, I wouldn't mind letting you play a primary npc for a session in my pathfinder game tomorrow (friday-9pm central)

Text only, I can set up the character for you. Pathfinder is basically d&d 3.75. If I can convert someone from those wallet sucking leeches at wizards of the coast I'd be thrilled. Pathfinder stuff is primarily free, but there's books, adventures, and what not that you can buy if you so choose.

I have a standard license. . . I think I can host 1-2 demo players.

May 29th, 2015, 01:29
If you'd like and are able, I wouldn't mind letting you play a primary npc for a session in my pathfinder game tomorrow (friday-9pm central)

Text only, I can set up the character for you. Pathfinder is basically d&d 3.75. If I can convert someone from those wallet sucking leeches at wizards of the coast I'd be thrilled. Pathfinder stuff is primarily free, but there's books, adventures, and what not that you can buy if you so choose.

I have a standard license. . . I think I can host 1-2 demo players.

No you cant.... if a demo license connects it will turn the game into demo mode...
Only Ultimate can host a demo license in a live game....

May 29th, 2015, 01:32
I'm still looking- I GM and want to see(this is a lie- I actually want to fiddle with it) the product before I invest. I am very happy with Roll20 but it takes hours to input data- this seems like a good fit to get a group off the ground. I have watched most of the YouTube videos- not the same as doing it. I have most Thursdays available and most Sundays- just to do a simple one shot to possibly create a character and do a couple combats.

have a look at https://extraordinarygamers.com as well - there are some great GMs running great games over there too.
if you really want to get up super early (im not sure of your TZ but it could be like a 530am start) on Saturday I might have a Star Wars game you could play in for a session...?

May 29th, 2015, 01:48
damned thanks- will do.
swipht- thanks for considering me