View Full Version : Starting a D&D game - need some initial guidance character creation

May 21st, 2015, 15:20
Forgive my question if it's something obvious that I've missed as I am getting my arms around FG. I've watched a bunch of tutorials, but they all seem to start in the middle versus showing what you do at the very beginning.

My plan is to start a game and our first session together will be to create characters. I was trying to walk through this myself with a new campaign open in one window and another FG client connected as a player, so that I could be in a good position to answer questions and guide players through the process.

My question is do I need to have my players create characters using the manage characters option before they join the game and then have them import the characters when they join the campaign?

I'd rather not do that if possible and instead have them create their characters after they've joined the game, but when I try to do that I don't get the "roll" or "points" tab on the chat window. Am I doing something wrong, or is the manage characters area the only place you can get that functionality?


Thanks for your help!

May 21st, 2015, 17:15
Hi Zig

Yes, does appear (not my forte) that when you use the manage character you get this option; in a game - where of course players can create characters too, that tool isn't available to you, but not hard to roll 4d6 and drop 1 or whatever you are using as your roll method.
You can then export characters as xml, and upload them to other campaigns etc


May 21st, 2015, 17:32
Your players can use the Manage Characters option in the launcher to create their characters, yes. If your players have access to the 5E PHB packs they can also reference library class content in this mode - allowing for complete character creation. Once characters are created, players can then join your campaign, at which point, you the DM, can allow them to import their characters into the campaign your running, subject to each character meeting any criteria you have set.

From what you are describing, it sounds like you would prefer to have your players create characters under your supervision whilst players are connected to your campaign, is this correct? If so, you can still do this at present but you don't get access to the roll/points tab on the chat window, instead you can roll dice from the desktop e.g. as Mavrik6666 suggests 4d6 drop 1 or use any of the other approved methods.

May 21st, 2015, 18:28
Welcome to the boards, Zigrivers.

You might also find this extension useful when rolling characters up during your charactger rolling get together: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22637-DMFirmy-s-Drop-Lowest-Extension