View Full Version : Looking for experienced Savage Worlds GM for a one shot

May 11th, 2015, 02:35
Hey all! So, I'm looking for an experienced Savage Worlds GM to one a one shot for me and possibly 1 to 2 others. I am going to be running a Deadlands Noir game in a couple of weeks and I want to make sure I have my head on straight to be able to run the system. I have played a couple of times and have a fair understanding of the game system but I would love to have someone who really knows the game run me through one more time so I can ask questions and make sure I have it right. If you are interested, please post here or some me a PM. Thanks everyone!

May 11th, 2015, 13:41
Not sure if the time is right for you since you didn't indicate any time preference but I'm running a one-shot in two weeks. Link is here: https://extraordinarygamers.com/Calendar/ModuleID/441/ItemID/640/mctl/EventDetails

May 11th, 2015, 16:02
Crap, I'd love to but I'll be working at that time. And good point, I never mentioned time. I'd like to try either this Friday night 5/15/15 after 5pm PST or Saturday morning after 7am. But, with that said, if you wouldn't mind jumping on FG with me either of those days and maybe give me the "cliff notes" that would be awesome

May 11th, 2015, 16:15
I'm running a Beasts & Barbarians game Friday the 15th at 9pm EDT (so 6pm your time). I can accommodate one more player as a guest appearance for this session but not 3. Lurkers would be fine though. Granted you'd be willing to create an account on the Society of Extraordinary Gamers' website. https://extraordinarygamers.com/Calendar/ModuleID/441/ItemID/591/mctl/EventDetails
That's the best I can do for this weekend.

May 11th, 2015, 17:09
Sounds good. I'll make an account tonight. You're using teamspeak, right?

May 12th, 2015, 01:37
Yes. SXG has their own channel. Information is on the website for members.