View Full Version : What's the trick to 'string_columnh' ??

May 10th, 2015, 02:47
I'm trying to get string_columnh to hide empty entries when the window is locked but it doesn't seem to work... am I supposed to set up something special to make it happen?

Here's an example:

<label_column name="power_label">
<static textres="ref_label_power" />
<string_columnh name="power" />This is one of the simpler ones, I was able to hide them manually, but it seems like the underlying code should hide it automatically. My formatted text fields aren't technically 'empty' so it's a bit trickier. (they seem to want to have
<p></p> in them even when they are blank.

Moon Wizard
May 18th, 2015, 08:55
When the lock state changes, you need to call the "update" function for that control. There are several examples in the D&D ruleset.

Formatted text field hide on empty
There's also a "ft_columnh" template in the CoreRPG ruleset to use.


May 18th, 2015, 17:16
Thanks for the help! It's working now... I added ...
power.update(bReadOnly); ... to the update() function of the script and that resolved it. It's great because it handles my labels and line separators as well.