View Full Version : Separate parts of a map

May 2nd, 2015, 18:40
I recently purchased Fantasy Grounds because I was excited about the automation, but currently I'm very disappointed in the maps.

Since Fantasy Grounds doesn't have vision or lighting, I have to use the mask. The problem with the mask is that, when I'm removing it, there doesn't seem to be a way to snap to grid. So, for example, if I have a secret room behind a very thin wall I have to be very careful not to show anything behind the wall.

What I have done in other VTT to solve many of my problems is to cut each room out separately. I then reveal them to players as needed. This also lets me change what a specific room looks like, I could visually have a huge part of a room collapse into the room below.

Please tell me this is possible in Fantasy Grounds.

I've already spent: $39.99 and $2.99(D&D Basic Rules).

If this program can do what I need it to do I'll probably spend $49.99(D&D Complete Core Monster Pack), 49.99(D&D Complete Core Class Pack), $19.99(D&D Lost Mine of Phandelver), and $114.99(Ultimate Upgrade).

May 2nd, 2015, 19:59
Nothing stopping you from doing exactly the same thing in FG - cut each map into pieces and just display them one piece at a time. You can use Gimp (free) to do your editing.

May 2nd, 2015, 20:11
I wouldn't want each room to be a different map. That would make it hard to go between rooms.

Currently it seems like I can make each piece a gigantic token but there doesn't seem to be anyway of locking them in place or changing their layers so they remain below other tokens.

May 2nd, 2015, 20:54
Currently it seems like I can make each piece a gigantic token but there doesn't seem to be anyway of locking them in place or changing their layers so they remain below other tokens.
This extension might work for you: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20231-Enhanced-Images-%28layers%29-for-FG-3-0-CoreRPG-%28and-rulesets-based-on-CoreRPG%29

Be sure to read posts #1 and #2 thoroughly as there are some limitations/gotchas you need to be aware of.

May 2nd, 2015, 21:59
Awesome! Just played with it a little. Now I need to figure out if there is a way to quickly make things visible and invisible. I am also hoping that having huge tokens like this doesn't make it hard to load.

May 2nd, 2015, 22:06
Now I need to figure out if there is a way to quickly make things visible and invisible.
It's pretty much right-click -> Visibility to set a token visible/invisible. Also, by default when you add a token to the map it is set to have "mask sensitive viability" so the mask will hide tokens. Note - in the enhanced images extension the map only applies to the bottom (background) layer - so tokens on the features or play layer will be on top of the mask and won't be hidden by it.

Awesome! Just played with it a little. Now I need to figure out if there is a way to quickly make things visible and invisible. I am also hoping that having huge tokens like this doesn't make it hard to load.
It will make some impact on load times when you first share an image with tokens, or when you add tokens to an image - as these have to be uploaded to all players. So, try to keep the file size for tokens as low as possible.

May 2nd, 2015, 22:16
It's pretty much right-click -> Visibility to set a token visible/invisible.
Well first I'd have to switch to the features layer.

I'm hoping that I can make tokens visible using a link.

May 2nd, 2015, 22:44
I'm hoping that I can make tokens visible using a link.
Nope, not stand alone tokens - because there's nothing to link them to.

May 2nd, 2015, 23:13
Well, that bites.

Is there any way to work around that?

May 3rd, 2015, 00:37
Is there any way to work around that?
Your only options are:

Right-click on each individual token and select the visibility individually. As we've previously discussed.
Add entries to the combat tracker that have tokens assigned to them. Drag the tokens to the map and control the visibility with the "eye" icon (is that eye-con?) in the combat tracker. This is very cludgy and will soon get unwieldy and you'll have a very cluttered combat tracker. As soon as you removed any entry from the combat tracker the linked token would disappear too. So this really isn't a workable option. But you were asking for ways around things... :)

How many tokens are you thinking of using at any one time on a map and how often would you be making them visible/invisible? Yes, it's a bit of a pain to have to manually set all of the map tokens invisible to start off with, but once in the game you'll only be revealing one or two at a time, right?

If multi-select for controlling invisibility or one click visibility is something you're really interested in then I'd recommend adding your request/idea to the FG wishlist: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/ This is used by the FG devs to queue up new functionality for future development. Don't be worried if you think your item might not get too many votes, the devs look at all ideas and may implement them as part of future versions if relatively easy to do on their own or as part of a similar piece of new functionality.

May 3rd, 2015, 02:11
Add entries to the combat tracker that have tokens assigned to them. Drag the tokens to the map and control the visibility with the "eye" icon (is that eye-con?) in the combat tracker. This is very cludgy and will soon get unwieldy and you'll have a very cluttered combat tracker. As soon as you removed any entry from the combat tracker the linked token would disappear too. So this really isn't a workable option. But you were asking for ways around things... :)

Ya, I thought about that. It would be nice if there were a second tracker of tokens that weren't in combat.

How many tokens are you thinking of using at any one time on a map and how often would you be making them visible/invisible?

It would be nice to have each and every room as a separate token, and a token for any traps or other planed in game events. So the number of tokens could end up being large. But I would likely only be making them visible as the players need them.

Yes, it's a bit of a pain to have to manually set all of the map tokens invisible to start off with, but once in the game you'll only be revealing one or two at a time, right?

Well, I'm not worried about making tokens invisible or any other prep work for that matter. Actually, I kind of like that kind of stuff. I'm more focused on avoiding delays in game. I'm also a little worried that I might spin or move a room.

May 3rd, 2015, 02:15
is there any way to delete a post?!?

May 3rd, 2015, 05:13
It would be nice to have each and every room as a separate token, and a token for any traps or other planed in game events. So the number of tokens could end up being large. But I would likely only be making them visible as the players need them.

You could use an encounter to make them appear only when you need them. Add them to the combat tracker when they are needed and delete them from the combat tracker after the PCs leave. It would also allow you to easily re-add them. I am just not sure what layer (I would guess the top) they would be on since I don't use that extension.

May 3rd, 2015, 16:48
I am just not sure what layer (I would guess the top) they would be on since I don't use that extension.
It puts them on the top layer as it assumes they are creature tokens.

May 3rd, 2015, 16:54
Well, I'm not worried about making tokens invisible or any other prep work for that matter. Actually, I kind of like that kind of stuff. I'm more focused on avoiding delays in game. I'm also a little worried that I might spin or move a room.
If you design your map tokens to be one (or two) tokens per section of map that you want to reveal this will be all pretty quick in a game - 10 seconds at an absolute maximum, more like 3-4 seconds to reveal a currently invisible map token. This is essentially no delay of the game as far as most players would be concerned.

Spinning would require you to hover over the token and use the mouse-wheel, moving them would require you clicking and dragging - and this is only possible if you are on the layer where the tokens are placed. Put the tokens on the base layer and only go to that layer when you need to reveal the map and/or place tokens, move off afterwards and the chance of you messing with the map during game play is virtually zero.

I really don't see any other option to do what you want to do (without someone developing another extension - but the current image/token APIs are pretty limited, so most of what is needed isn't possible in an extension).

May 3rd, 2015, 19:41
I think I'll check back when it moves to unity, but I hope I don't have to buy it again.

I see they've been talking about that move for a while, so I'm guessing it's still a couple of years away.

Incidentally is there a way for mask removal to snap to grid, or better yet have mask removal set as a link?

May 3rd, 2015, 19:56
I think I'll check back when it moves to unity, but I hope I don't have to buy it again.
If Fantasy Grounds not fully supporting 100% of what you want to do (but actually allowing you to do most of it) is stopping you using Fantasy Grounds then I think you're going to miss out an on amazing VTT that can do so much for you as a GM. I'd recommend you give it a try.

Incidentally is there a way for mask removal to snap to grid, or better yet have mask removal set as a link?
It doesn't snap to grid. But, to be honest, it really doesn't need to - you can draw a rectangle very quickly following any grid as guideline. The extra detail that not snapping to grid provides allows the GM to be very accurate in what they do and don't reveal - down to the pixel level on the map.