View Full Version : Star Wars: Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion/Force and Destiny v2 ruleset - teaser!

April 29th, 2015, 19:26
I'm still working on the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion/Force and Destiny v2 ruleset - there's always going to be stuff to do on it. But, I've set myself a target of the end of May, as I will then have a commission to do and so will have to spend my FG development time doing that.

Soooo, just to make you all want the ruleset now I'm going to post some teasers over the coming weeks...

Some big news is that OggDude (creator of the amazing community Character Generator (https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/index.php?/topic/89135-another-character-generator/)) has agreed to allow me to use the data packages he has put together to seed a library module. As usual, there are copyright limitations, so the data will be exactly as it appears in the character generator - statistics, labels/titles; but any descriptive text will not be included, but will be replaced with a page reference to the book/s where the item in question is detailed.

Some things you'll see in version 2 of the ruleset:

Added campaign preferences: Age of Rebellion (Warfare knowledge skill and duty), Force and Destiny (Lightsaber combat skill and morality) and Edge of the Empire (obligation). These are selected by default - disable the option to remove version specific objects.
Add lightsaber skill and other skills from Age of Rebellion (via campaign option). Currently, based off the Age of Rebellion and Force and Destiny beta there are two additional skills: Knowledge (Warfare) and Lightsaber.
Copy NPC record to the combat tracker rather than link to the NPC list entry. This will allow multiple NPCs to be dragged to the combat tracker using the same NPC record.
Options to auto roll NPC initiative from the combat tracker. Include a radio control to select C (cool) or V (vigilance) for roll. Default is vigilance.
Provide critical injury functionality - both personal and vehicle.
Added minion support for the NPC sheet and the ruleset.
Added beta vehicle support to NPCs and PCs. This will undergo further development once v2 is released.
Redesign PC and NPC sheets to have name and token at the top of all tabs. This makes it easier to identify the PC/NPC when multiple windows are open.
Vertical resize added to PC and NPC window.
Career skill check added to skills list. Allows keeping track of career skills.
Update item fields to reflect EotE entries. e.g. Rune and Craftsmanship.
Support for item attachments and modifications.
Move wound, stress and destiny chit markers so that they don't interfere with GM ID indicators.
Added Message of the Day functionality.
Redesigned wound and strain chits to support multiples and use/ignore soak.
Module exporting operational.

Also a bunch of fixes/improvements.

A lot of the functionality improvements is to make the GM's work easier, better support some areas of the rules and to track PC and NPC data. This ruleset is still pretty automation light - the most you'll get is dragging wounds/strain/criticals onto characters. I have some ideas for doing some basic automation for common functionality in the (distant) future...

Teaser screenshots below.

April 29th, 2015, 19:30
Teaser #1: NCPs and Drag/Drop Criticals


Shows two NPCs of the same type dragged to the combat tracker. The details are copied and a new NPC created with numbering beyond the first (v1 of the ruleset wouldn't do this, you needed a separate copy of each NPC before adding to the tracker). Also note the minion info on the right - 3 minions in each minion group and 15 wounds remaining.
Descriptive text of items etc. reference page numbers in rulebooks. Further combat specific info will be added in here - e.g. weapon abilities, etc..
Drop/Drop of damage to NPCs and PCs. Soak taken into account.
Drag/Drop of criticals (see the new chits beneath the dicepool), takes into account previous criticals and auto applies critical to charsheet. Manually add adjustments due to vicious property or multiple crits.

Teaser #2: In text dice graphics


By using the following codes within a formatted text field, the ruleset substitutes the new font graphic when the field is closed. When you next open the field/window you'll see the new graphics! I'll probably tinker a bit with the graphics themselves, but you should get the idea.

Dice results - the &# code is the direct code replaced in the FG formattedtext entry:

(S) - Success ÿ
(!) - Triumph þ
(F) - Failure ý
(T) - Threat ü
(A) - Advantage û
(D) - Despair ú
(-) - Darkside Force ù
(+) - Lightside Force ø


[F] - force die ÷
[A] - ability die ö
[D] - difficulty die õ
[P] - proficiency die ô
[C] - challenge ó
[B] - boost ò
[S] - setback ñ

Don't change the formatting of these text items. i.e. keep them as body text, don't change them to bold, italic or underline; change the heading or anything else. These will just work correctly in standard FG body text with no formatting.

April 29th, 2015, 19:30
Teaser 3: Item tables and Attachments/Mods

The weapons, armour, items and attachment tables have been reproduced in the same format as the tables in the rulebooks. For example, the All Weapons table:


The item interface and functionality has been overhauled to show only SW relevant data and track attachments/mods:


Items have an attachments tab.
Drag attachment from the table to the item getting the attachment.
The attachment has it's own window that allows tracking of additional info (on the Main tab) and modifications (Mods) to the attachment itself. In this example the first Damage +1 mod has been added successfully, whereas the second failed. The two weapon quality mods haven't attempted to be added yet.

April 29th, 2015, 19:30
Entering a character video:


Combat Tracker Part 1:




April 30th, 2015, 02:19
Woot! May the Force be with you always!

April 30th, 2015, 03:04
Woot! May the Force be with you always!
That's Monday next week!

April 30th, 2015, 10:16
Very, very sexy. I am very much looking forward to that.

May 1st, 2015, 03:28
Updated the second half of post #2 with a dice graphics teaser... (thanks to Neil G. Foster for the font editing app and the underlying substitution code).

May 2nd, 2015, 17:37
Item teaser added in post #3.

May 3rd, 2015, 10:00
Looking good! I can't wait.

May 3rd, 2015, 11:02
Thanks for all your hard work!

May 3rd, 2015, 21:49
Entering a character video in post #4.

May 3rd, 2015, 22:34
Combat Tracker part 1 video added to post #4.

May 3rd, 2015, 22:42
The antici........pation is killing me!

May 4th, 2015, 04:24
May the 4th be with you!
