View Full Version : DM LFP D&D 5e Game New Players Welcome

April 18th, 2015, 03:50
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: D&D 5e

Time Zone: US Central
Schedule: This will be a weekly game that I can run Sunday evenings.
Planned Start Date: Gods willing, we will begin either this weekend (would be a tad tight) or next week.
Adventure Length: We will start off with a introductory story arc to get a feel for each other, to get a feel for the party dynamic, and to dig deeper into who your characters are. If you don't dig the feel of the adventure, the end of this arc (1-3 sessions depending on session length) would be the ideal time to bow out. The campaign proper will begin shortly after. This will span several months at the least assuming the party meshes well together.

Voice: We will be using Teamspeak for voice. If you don't have it, it's free, you can find a guide to getting it in the LFG forums or contact me directly for more help.

Game Style: My hope for this game is to be narrative driven. I would like to see more role play than roll play as it really raises the camaraderie of the party and the players, as well as leading to more interesting outcomes and journeys thereto.

Characters: Character creation will be handled in a 1 on 1 format with myself and each player. All races/classes are playable. ***Backstory is Everything*** It will allow me to give your character certain perks or even allow things that I normally wouldn't if it fits your character's personality and backstory. Mechanically speaking, we will begin at level 2 with equipment related to backstory. We will not be using the backgrounds rules.

Well folks, good to see you made it this far in the post, sorry about the length. +10 xp all around!
Seriously, though, this game will be set in my homebrew world on the island of Pheirum. During character creation, I'll go over a little of the history of the region and some important lore that you should know.
As far as how I run my games, rules lawyers will very quickly meet the business end of the executioner's axe. If you're the sort of player who is only interested in combat or min/max-ing like in WoW, this game isn't really for you, sorry. As I said, I'd like to see this game run quite story heavy, that means that actively engaging with the other characters in the world of Pheirum will be the major driving force of the game, rather than a series of dungeon crawls.

If you have any questions, please post here as I'm sure others will be wondering the same things that I've forgotten to put in here. If you're interested, leave the days/times you're available as well as the type of character you'd like to play. If you could, please include a brief bio/description of yourself as a gamer. What do you like in a game? What don't you like? In short, how do you play?

One final note: for the sake of all players and my overtaxed brain, please have a working mic AND headset.

April 18th, 2015, 04:22
I'm interested. I've been looking to get into a 5E game on either Friday or Saturday night EDT. Obviously Friday is out, but I could play on Saturday. That bottlenecks the other players though, unfortunately. It would be more helpful if I knew what time of day you plan on running.

Pyrex Pickle Blowfish
April 18th, 2015, 04:27
I am interested, new to fantasy grounds and I haven't played tabletop rpgs since DnD 3.5 around the table. I am really curious to see what this program and community is all about and excited to get back into tabletops.

Its been a long time so I am honestly not expecting much in the game. Just a chance to play, knock the rust off, and have a good time.

April 18th, 2015, 04:38
Hey guys!
Nick, I'm looking to play an evening/night game if at all possible, just to avoid emergency calls in from work. (Ew, real world problems)

Saturday/Sunday are actually my ideal days for that same reason, but I'm trying to be as flexible as possible.

Pyrex, I'd be happy to get you learning the ropes of FG. 3.5 really isn't that much different than 5e with the exception of the advantage and skills mechanics.

For both of you, do you have any idea what type of character you'd want to play? Also, are you in possession of a working headset/mic. I hate to be a nag about that but feedback and echo can really ruin a session.

April 18th, 2015, 04:44
I use TS all the time. I can play anything and tend to wait to see what the party needs before picking. I'm new to 5e but I catch on to new additions of D&D quickly.

As for backstories, most of my characters that have in-depth backstories are from the Pathfinder world of Golarion. I'd have to make a fresh character for this, but I try to weave my characters into the world. Without knowledge of your world I'll be somewhat restricted on the backstory. I assume that is why you like to do face to face character creation.

April 18th, 2015, 04:51
I'd be interested as well. I haven't tried 5e or Fantasy Ground and am looking forward to trying it out. My schedule changes weekly but any days around 9 eastern should work for me.

April 18th, 2015, 04:54
Is that 9 EST AM or PM? I assume pm, but I just thought I'd double check. I've had some embarrassing issues of that ilk before lol

April 18th, 2015, 04:57
If you could please include a brief bio/description of yourself as a gamer. What do you like in a game? What don't you like? In short, how do you play?

April 18th, 2015, 04:57
PM. I'm either at work or asleep AM lol

April 18th, 2015, 05:03
If you guys would rather just have a chat on ts than type out a big convoluted thing about yourself as a gamer, I'm available right now, let me know.

April 18th, 2015, 05:03
Logging in now.

April 18th, 2015, 05:07

April 18th, 2015, 05:11
I created a channel called "Pheirum Interview Channel"

April 19th, 2015, 01:10
I might be interested in this. I like to have a one on one to learn more.

Uncle Bupkis
April 19th, 2015, 01:34
I would be interested as well, just send me a reply if you need anyone more :).