View Full Version : Android version

April 17th, 2015, 16:43
Is there any plans to release an android compatible version of Fantasy grounds. I have it on my laptop but would love to get this working on my Tablet as the real estate it takes up at the table is much less.

Sorry if this is out there somewhere I couldn't find it anywhere.

April 17th, 2015, 16:45
It's non-trivial with the current code base. They are in the process of doing a re-write in the Unity engine which may allow it some point in the future. Probably quite a ways off though.

April 17th, 2015, 16:58
Cool. Look forward to it I love having nice digital tools to use so I can not have to dig through a stack of books and I am on the cusp of being able to drop my PC for all but computer gaming. I have a 10 inch tablet with a nice blue tooth keyboard and a full version of office on my tablet. To me the future is the tablet I think we will all get there one day.

April 17th, 2015, 17:48
A tablet *might* be a good option for a player. However, Fantasy Grounds GMs like lots of "desktop" space - a lot of FG GMs run on 2 (or more) HD monitors. Even as a FG player I use two monitors, stretching FG across them to have a big gaming area. Tablet support is an interesting option and will probably occur at sometime in the future, but I very much doubt everyone will move to using a tablet for FG gaming - unless they have a huge screen (which kinda defeats the purpose of a tablet).

April 17th, 2015, 18:27
I can see what your saying and if I planned to run an online campaign I would fall into that category as well and may well get to where I am running a weekly online game, I know of at least 3 people who would probably join a campaign and they are all over the US so it has some merit. That being said the main reason I got FG was for my home campaign. I am back to DnD after not running a game for about 10 years and not playing Table Top for about 6 years. I have always liked the idea of electronic books and tools to keep thing straight, I am working on a masters degree in Management information system and doing the entire thing online with electronic books. So how I envision using FG is to build my campaign in it and maybe share out so my players at the table can connect their tablets for their Character sheets and rolling dice but then to have my tablet either with wireless or through USB hook up to a monitor that lays flat on the table we sit around. The tablet would be my library/books and the monitor would be where the table top goes with the dice rolls and the maps. I know this is not how you intended FG to be used nor how you designed it but I don't think anyone ever builds something that others don't grab hold of and say lets see what happens when.

April 17th, 2015, 19:03
Check out the Fugl's Album that was just created (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/album.php?albumid=13).

April 17th, 2015, 19:10
Nicer chairs than me but that is pretty close to my idea. I have an old LG 48 in TV in the garage that takes about 5 mins to turn on so was thinking I could use that for the build.

April 18th, 2015, 12:35
I would love to use an android tablet for rulebook reading and module/story development, too. Carrying a laptop around, which requires power reload every 2 hours just isn't suitable for reading on the move or during vacation..

April 18th, 2015, 13:58
Yes that is the flip side of the tablet that would be cool if if we even had a slim version of FG that let you go into Read mode so you could pull up the books and read them in it like a kindle. The basics are all there would just need that separate module pulled out.

April 20th, 2015, 16:30
Once it's on Unity making the app run on tablets I think is pretty much just a single click thing. The problem though is that the user interface needs to work on tablets too which is where the work is. For all we know though they may be re-doing the interface some so it's tablet friendly, but when you go too far with this then you can irk desktop users because you dumbed down the interface some. It's a balancing act.

Also Unity supports a lot of platforms, even new ones that come up like VR headsets. I think the FG app would be pretty perfect for that tech. But again, the front end interface would need some re-work and they're a pretty small dev team.

April 20th, 2015, 16:32
Ocular implants with 3d mini's :)

April 20th, 2015, 18:44
Yes but why not have a toggle for the interface that allows you to swap modes. The desktop mode is great the way it is you could then put in a reading mode that just allows you to pull up "books" any module could be called a book as it has the basic elements there and you can read them. Then there can be a run mode where a tablet gets some of the screens and things like dice rolls but an larger screen gets the rest. A tablet mode could be the "Dumbed down" interface, never was a fan of that term as streamlined and simplified is not dumb. I do get the dev team is small and has to priortize what they work on so would not expect anything soon but just some ideas.

April 21st, 2015, 04:47
Yes but why not have a toggle for the interface that allows you to swap modes. The desktop mode is great the way it is you could then put in a reading mode that just allows you to pull up "books" any module could be called a book as it has the basic elements there and you can read them. Then there can be a run mode where a tablet gets some of the screens and things like dice rolls but an larger screen gets the rest. A tablet mode could be the "Dumbed down" interface, never was a fan of that term as streamlined and simplified is not dumb. I do get the dev team is small and has to priortize what they work on so would not expect anything soon but just some ideas.

Nice idea, but consider this: if we add a second mode to the interface than we're effectively doubling the code required to be written for the interface, thus slowing down development of other features. Now add in the consideration that the Community Devs now need to account for multiple modes (everything from fully embracing them to ignoring all all but the one we're interested in). I'm not saying don't do it, I'm saying that, like with all Feature Requests, they need to be fully thought out and considered.

Personally, I like the idea, even thought its gonna cause me a ton of new work


April 21st, 2015, 13:46
Thanks and yes it is a lot more work I am not sure how the program is designed but I am assuming that things are stored in a database and most of the interface links back and displays that data parsed different ways. I was thinking if you could sit at that layer above the actual data and just work at that presentation of data layer to create the interfaces. Again yea tons of work and not easy to do or maintain once it is done. A simple change in the data base would have to be changed in multiple places on the interfaces to ensure it works everywhere. You know what they say though if you never ask you don't get so anytime I have an idea I throw it out there. :D

July 25th, 2015, 11:56
Hi I am new here and was just thinking about this side of FG!!1 WOuld it not be possible to create a thin client system to use on tablets that 'Players' could use only to have their character stats on etc???

July 25th, 2015, 12:19
Good idea. Add it to the wishlist: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/

February 25th, 2016, 14:13
im working on an App for "Downtime". i plan to use the exported XML character data and a supplemental XML file that defines a set of downtime rules.

An Android App to take advantage of all of the player data is possible. I could prolly also work out a way to get the GM story elements and put them in the App, thus reducing SOME virtual tabletop clutter.

Putting the .Mods into an App is VERY possible, and in doing so you can look up anything thats in a .Mod "Library".

Let me know if i should pursue it.

February 25th, 2016, 20:34
seks do it... search your feelings jedi. you know it to be possible

August 21st, 2016, 14:02
Bumping to keep this alive. At its very basic level, I'd like to see a tablet used as a character sheet.

August 21st, 2016, 19:48
No need to bump suggestion threads to keep them alive. Instead just vote on the idea on the idea tracker at: 2app.idea.informer.com
That's where the developers keep track of everything and where you can vote on the ideas you like.

Full Bleed
August 21st, 2016, 21:54
No need to bump suggestion threads to keep them alive. Instead just vote on the idea on the idea tracker at: 2app.idea.informer.com
That's where the developers keep track of everything and where you can vote on the ideas you like.
There is no "idea" to vote on with the name "Android" in it.

And even if there was, since it will be a relatively newly entered idea I think it will be buried so deep in the list it will never get an accurate measure of true user support. Heck, double digit support for ideas ends on page 7 (of 17). That means there are 10 pages of ideas with single digit support that most users and forum goers will simply never vote on one way or another (heck, I'm pretty sure I stopped voting after 5 or so pages, which probably puts me in the top .01% of users that actually participated in the thing). Not saying the tracker is completely useless... but as a reflection of what things users actually might want... and as a reflection of user participation in the future of FG... it pretty much is. ;)

Not trying to be contrarian, just trying to point out that I think it's a little disingenuous when people tell users that don't post or participate in the forums very much to take their support for an idea to a page that is largely irrelevant. Looking at this idea as a benchmark... I'm pretty sure that there would be more support for it than 4e - Power Keywords and Immunities (https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=40984) (an idea that took 4.5 years to rocket to 9 votes on page 7).

August 21st, 2016, 22:27
No need to bump suggestion threads to keep them alive. Instead just vote on the idea on the idea tracker at: 2app.idea.informer.com
That's where the developers keep track of everything and where you can vote on the ideas you like.

There is no "idea" to vote on with the name "Android" in it.

And even if there was, since it will be a relatively newly entered idea I think it will be buried so deep in the list it will never get an accurate measure of true user support. Heck, double digit support for ideas ends on page 7 (of 17). That means there are 10 pages of ideas with single digit support that most users and forum goers will simply never vote on one way or another (heck, I'm pretty sure I stopped voting after 5 or so pages, which probably puts me in the top .01% of users that actually participated in the thing). Not saying the tracker is completely useless... but as a reflection of what things users actually might want... and as a reflection of user participation in the future of FG... it pretty much is. ;)

Not trying to be contrarian, just trying to point out that I think it's a little disingenuous when people tell users that don't post or participate in the forums very much to take their support for an idea to a page that is largely irrelevant. Looking at this idea as a benchmark... I'm pretty sure that there would be more support for it than 4e - Power Keywords and Immunities (https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=40984) (an idea that took 4.5 years to rocket to 9 votes on page 7).

Thanks for the info LordEntrails, I won't bump threads.

To Full Bleeds point I did check out the Dev Voting Board & didn't see "Android" listed. I coulda/shoulda made a new voting subject. On that note, to keep the voting page relevant: How's this for an idea; Keep monthly tab on what the top, (whatever number you like) say 5, voting subjects active while in tandem keeping a list of dead subjects i.e. voting subjects submitted that did not gain traction. That would create a top 5 that could be thought of as a "punch list". As the list is taken into consideration, the Devs could either focus on or dismiss the subjects.

I understand this would create more work but it could also help the community and Devs have a more open dialogue about what customers are looking for vs what is possible from a Devs side.

August 21st, 2016, 23:42
The idea vote page was setup by Smiteworks and is managed and monitored by Smiteworks and it is where they do recommend you enter and vote for things you would like to see.
Multi-platform support is one of the aims of the Unity rebuild but will not likely be a feature of the first or even first few Unity builds.
Building multiplatform support is both very complex (and all but unachievable on the current game engine) and requires a whole rethink of both the current UI and also the data model.
It is something that Smiteworks wants to do in the future but their are other things they need to have in place first.

August 21st, 2016, 23:59
The idea vote page was setup by Smiteworks and is managed and monitored by Smiteworks and it is where they do recommend you enter and vote for things you would like to see.
Yep, the devs have said multiple times that the wishlist is the main place that they go to see feature requests. Even if requests don't have many votes they will be considered, so don't be put off by thinking that it isn't worth adding requests - it is!

August 22nd, 2016, 00:06
Thanks for the clarification damned and Trenloe. Posting Dev subjects on the forums may not be as easily accessed as the vote page.

I'm still very new and didn't have a full understanding of FG and it's parent company Smite Works until now.


(I may have just leveled up)

August 22nd, 2016, 00:11
You can post here too and expand on what you would like to see but do also use the vote page.

August 24th, 2016, 15:58
Sorry if I came across negatively. Not a problem re-opening old threads to discuss, I just don't think its the best way to show support for an idea. As mentioned, Smiteworks regularly monitors the Idea Informer page, and though it does default to sort by Vote #, I myself (and I suspect SW) sorts by date so that you can see all the new ideas, and vote accordingly.

A lot of the old ideas are not really relevant or may have already been implemented, and yes it would be nice if they were removed/closed, I would rather have SW spend what time they have on improvements (time is a limited resource after all), and not worrying too much about improving the voting record/mechanism.

August 25th, 2016, 02:38
No need to bump suggestion threads to keep them alive. Instead just vote on the idea on the idea tracker at: 2app.idea.informer.com
That's where the developers keep track of everything and where you can vote on the ideas you like.

I didn't take this as negative in any way. It is informative. If anything, I'd EXPECT a negative response from you. Ya know, because you're LordEntrails after all.

Something along the lines of "Ye dare respond!? Do NOT snivel your incoherent mumbling here! Go! To the voting page! Stay, and your entails are mine to give the drakes."

I appreciate the direction 😜

November 19th, 2016, 18:31
As a GM I would want as much functionality as possible just to create content on the go

January 1st, 2017, 00:37
Man... I would LOVE to see a fantasy grounds client app (for players) that would work on iPad or Android tablets.

Lot of the time I have a group wanting to play, but not enough laptops.

January 1st, 2017, 04:30
Jmartenskoop, Welcome to the forums. The developers of FG have been working on a new version of FG based on the Unity platform and it will have cross-platform compatibility (i.e. Windows, Mac, Android, iOS? other?)

They have stated that they will not be promising any new functionality or a release date until they are 100% confident of the date and capabilities (pother than current capabilities). Speculation is that this new version will be released in 2017, but that is just speculation.

You can search the forums for "Unity" and you will find lots of info on this.

January 1st, 2017, 04:49
Cool. I just thought... "it would be crazy if no.one had thought how awesome this would be"

Forgive me for not googling as deeply as I might have... I am an old man truck driver, don't spend much time with computers, but have been hooked on d&d since the early eighties...

This fantasy grounds stuff... it's just the most brilliant evolution of d&d I've ever seen!

January 1st, 2017, 07:22
Cool. I just thought... "it would be crazy if no.one had thought how awesome this would be"
You are certainly not alone in this :)

Forgive me for not googling as deeply as I might have... I am an old man truck driver, don't spend much time with computers, but have been hooked on d&d since the early eighties...
Not a problem. Didn't mean to imply you shouldn't have asked!

This fantasy grounds stuff... it's just the most brilliant evolution of d&d I've ever seen!
Lots of us would agree with you:)
For myself, it means that I was playing about once a month via Skype. Games were painful, but it was D&D and the only way we knew. Now I play once a week, sometimes more. Even when I'm in some hotel a thousand miles away :)

January 1st, 2017, 17:55
A tablet *might* be a good option for a player. However, Fantasy Grounds GMs like lots of "desktop" space - a lot of FG GMs run on 2 (or more) HD monitors. Even as a FG player I use two monitors, stretching FG across them to have a big gaming area. Tablet support is an interesting option and will probably occur at sometime in the future, but I very much doubt everyone will move to using a tablet for FG gaming - unless they have a huge screen (which kinda defeats the purpose of a tablet).

I find that one 2560x1440p monitor does the trick. reference and other tools I keep open in my other panel.

June 11th, 2017, 16:15
The reason I would like a tablet integration is that I plan on building a table that uses fantasy grounds and having tablets for my players to have access to their character sheets via the game with a touch screen monitor or tv in the center of the table for token movements ect. I will integrate my computer for gming.

January 14th, 2018, 05:21
Has there been any update on this?

January 14th, 2018, 05:52
On what? If you read this thread, you will note that it isn't happening until FGU and probably not very soon even when FGU is here. I doubt it will ever be much of a priority because VTTs just cannot be run effectively from a tablet for most users. Now, if you want to read your purchased modules, that is another matter....

January 14th, 2018, 06:52
The last update was 6 months ago. Something may have changed.

January 14th, 2018, 13:04
Perhaps you haven't followed the FGU thread.
The developers have stated that the main (and almost only) design objective is to implement in a backward-compatible way what we currently have in legacy FG. They have also said in a general sense that it will support a more robust drawing capability out-of-the-gate, but exactly what that additional robustness might be, they have not yet issued a thorough description of it (there have been demonstrations, however). I believe it also inherits a more forgiving networking ability from Unity, but we will be staying with the host server model. There may be something else I am forgetting, but any plans to have it on anything but windows out-of-the-gate is not something they have announced. Unity is 64 bit (and 32), so we can count on that if you have a 64 bit machine and OS.

This is not the thread to look for updates. Watch the FGU thread. If the developers decide to do anything more than I have said (and anything else minor in that thread I forgot), they will announce it there. (or a new thread maybe, but almost certainly not here). I suspect once they are ready to announce a release date, they will post a thread with the complete feature set of the new FGU (well, the new features, anyway).

January 14th, 2018, 15:47
but any plans to have it on anything but windows out-of-the-gate is not something they have announced.
Mac and Linux support is planned. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22089-Fantasy-Grounds-Unity-engine&p=337289&viewfull=1#post337289

January 14th, 2018, 15:51
I stand corrected. Thanks, Trenloe. Android, however, is not on that list.

My belief is they will eventually support it (Unity can). There is enough demand at the least for people to be able to browse their reference manuals on tablets that I think they will do it. Whether they have the full-blown VTT on tablets -- who knows?

January 14th, 2018, 19:16
Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware of FGU.

January 14th, 2018, 20:08
If I decided to make a VTT gaming table I would use tablets to display character sheets ect not necessarily to interact with the map. That would be the gaming tables job.

January 14th, 2018, 20:19
If I decided to make a VTT gaming table I would use tablets to display character sheets ect not necessarily to interact with the map. That would be the gaming tables job.
I've thought about that. But then how would the players enter text? Using the tablet as the keyboard? I've never liked that myself, loose to much screen space. And I'm a big mult-mouse button person.

But, their are lot of possible options after the move to Unity. Who knows what the future holds?

April 28th, 2020, 21:27
I know I'm reviving an old thread but any news on the Android version?

April 28th, 2020, 21:49
There is no current plans on an Android version at this time.

April 28th, 2020, 21:53
There is no current plans on an Android version at this time.

Thank you.

April 29th, 2020, 02:07
There is no current plans on an Android version at this time.

I hope with Unity, that changes.

August 1st, 2020, 15:41
Fantasy Grounds, get on it. Most younger players do not use a PC (or Mac) they use phones and tablets. At the very least they should be able to run a character in a game on an Android system.

August 1st, 2020, 17:26
Fantasy Grounds, get on it. Most younger players do not use a PC (or Mac) they use phones and tablets. At the very least they should be able to run a character in a game on an Android system.

I just tried snapping my fingers but nothing happened. Apparently such a task does not have an 'instantaneous' build time, especially with a small Dev team.

August 1st, 2020, 17:32
I think I just fell in love. Seriously though, this needs to happen because people under 40 love their phone apps and the audience would explode. :)
Best of Luck to Fantasy Grounds My newfound loves.

August 1st, 2020, 18:40
I think I just fell in love. Seriously though, this needs to happen because people under 40 love their phone apps and the audience would explode. :)
Best of Luck to Fantasy Grounds My newfound loves.


August 1st, 2020, 18:42
Fantasy Grounds, get on it. Most younger players do not use a PC (or Mac) they use phones and tablets. At the very least they should be able to run a character in a game on an Android system.
I have tried using Roll20 on my phone, tablet and with their iOS app... can’t think of more horrible experience.
To such people, I would recommend to learn how to use proper tools and devices :D

August 1st, 2020, 19:59
I saw that thread yes. tablet/phone options for play should be sans Steam, sans trickery. Should be offered from FG you know? Lots of people want to play but are turned away if they feel they have to jump through hoops.

August 1st, 2020, 20:01
I have tried using Roll20 on my phone, tablet and with their iOS app... can’t think of more horrible experience.
To such people, I would recommend to learn how to use proper tools and devices :D

I will never support anything Roll20, but I agree with you about not wanting to D&D on My phone. I could see personally using a large tablet or Kindle to join a game, but I know a ton of players who do not own computers.

August 2nd, 2020, 04:03
The only major downside I could see to trying to run FG on a phone or tablet would be the screen size, and probably after that, lag. I think though, that for the "ton of players who do not own computers" online D&D through a VTT just simply wouldn't be for them. I'd recommend that if they aren't comfortable on a computer, they're better off with physical books and maps, a proper table, and a f2f group anyway.

August 2nd, 2020, 12:00
While I would agree that I wouldn't use phone screen because it is too small, an Android version would allow newer Chromebooks to be used and most of those are compatible in cost to or cheaper than tablets and a lot of smart phones.

August 2nd, 2020, 12:55
Yeah, I dont have enough room for all the stuff I have open with 2 monitors, I have no idea how I would be able to see anything on a 10" Tablet or smaller phone.
Also I suspect the device would just catch fire with the amount of data processing it would have to do.

August 2nd, 2020, 16:04
While I would agree that I wouldn't use phone screen because it is too small, an Android version would allow newer Chromebooks to be used and most of those are compatible in cost to or cheaper than tablets and a lot of smart phones.

I wonder if it is possible to do that thing with Steam where FG is running on a computer and the Chromebook connects to it via the Steam software (sorry not sure what the exact description of it is... there's a link upthread I believe).

August 2nd, 2020, 18:57
I wonder if it is possible to do that thing with Steam where FG is running on a computer and the Chromebook connects to it via the Steam software (sorry not sure what the exact description of it is... there's a link upthread I believe).
Yes its possible.

To everyone, the challenge is not power. It is as suggested the UI. Phone & tablets have very small screens, which is a problem. It doesn't mean it's impossible, just that FG would have to be designed for such. The current UI would not support. Phones and tablets also do not have mice or keyboards (generally). Which again does not mean it is impossible, but it does mean that the UI would have to be written for such.

Again, none of this is impossible. But, it is going to take many hundreds or thousands of developer hours to design, test and implement. Time that could be used on light sources, automation, integrated sound, and a hundred other requests and enhancements. If it is that important to you, vote for the related ideas on the wish list.

August 3rd, 2020, 06:11

I've tried this. There's no way to trigger input of text and right-clicking doesn't work. And it's laggy as all hell over the internet, remoting into another machine. Functionality is marginal at best. As a solution, it's not one.

August 3rd, 2020, 06:18
Yes its possible.

To everyone, the challenge is not power. It is as suggested the UI. Phone & tablets have very small screens, which is a problem. It doesn't mean it's impossible, just that FG would have to be designed for such. The current UI would not support. Phones and tablets also do not have mice or keyboards (generally). Which again does not mean it is impossible, but it does mean that the UI would have to be written for such.

You're not limited by the screen as a desktop size. You can always have a much larger 'virtual desktop' and just enlarge/shrink/scroll around. You just need to think outside the box a bit.

As for controls, Unity allows for doing builds on Android and iOS. Doesn't the build on specific platforms handle native control systems ... like substitution of right click for long press?

August 3rd, 2020, 15:20
I just tried snapping my fingers but nothing happened. Apparently such a task does not have an 'instantaneous' build time, especially with a small Dev team.

Lol this post is gold!

Thank you for the smile it gave me as my Monday thus far is pretty much junk.

On topic...i guess character sheets could be cool on a tablet....but on a phone ...who are these people than enjoy such self torture?

Would drive me nuts.

August 3rd, 2020, 16:44
The first foray into this that I would expect to see would be a Reference Manual viewer. Maybe even the ability to view story, image and other objects. But in a read only mode.

Yes the des will have to think outside the box. But that doesn't make a solution any easier :)

And yes, Unity does have some control substitutions, but look at how this is done on the Mac, those users have already stated those substitutions are not the ones they want. Experience tells me, software development is never as easy as users think it should be.

August 3rd, 2020, 18:46
I've tried this. There's no way to trigger input of text and right-clicking doesn't work. And it's laggy as all hell over the internet, remoting into another machine. Functionality is marginal at best. As a solution, it's not one.

You tried which? There are three methods in the thread:
Steam was the first listed, here is the second:

You don't need to use Steam to run FG on android I have used a program Splashtop though I would recommend attaching a mouse via an OTG cable and unless you have huge tablet like android on a TV I don't thing you could GM of a tablet. Splashtop also works over the internet so for example if you were away on a business trip you could get your Mrs to turn on your PC then remote in from your hotel room and not miss your game!
Then came this method:

I have been using a product called TeamViewer for a couple years now. There is an IOS app so I can use my iPad. Fantasy Grounds runs on a remote computer (remote being in the US while I'm in Mexico, or in my home office while I'm in the living room) and I control it via my iPad, my iPhone 8+, my laptop, …

BTW I have done this to avoid the Port Forwarding issue when I don't know or can't come up with a password for the router in a remote location also.
There are other methods and other people have talked about it in various places. This thread was the only one I kept because it had both android and iOS options in one place. If one technique doesn't work for you, then perhaps try another?