View Full Version : 0 Charisma Gaming Group

April 16th, 2015, 06:52
I am no longer running or hosting games, I am sorry for bailing out. I had some fun with fantasy grounds but for now it's better for me if I just stay away from fantasy grounds it has seriously began depressing me. Good luck finding games.

Old Man Trouble
April 16th, 2015, 22:53
You're always welcome to use any of my maps. Found here :: https://maps-by-omt.deviantart.com/

April 20th, 2015, 23:00
Mr. Phoenix
Grulch can not attend this week, hopefully will next week
Werd- Bowed Out
MagiMojo- not attending, out golfing this weekend.
Rayden Oden

Send me a PM with your email and I will get you invited to The Society of Extraordinary Gamers.

April 20th, 2015, 23:01
for future content

April 20th, 2015, 23:02
reserved for future content

April 21st, 2015, 04:00
Hey there. May join you guys some time, and I suggest adding the whole "Iron Kingdoms" thing (at least, the one I'm learning, which uses d&d 3.5e as a base) to your games list. Now where do I find this teamspeak you would be on?

April 21st, 2015, 06:58
I am on fg-con Teamspeak info for that is here
Hostname: ts.fg-con.com
Server Password Dungeoneers
Also click the calendar link in my signature and sign up.

as well as SXG's Teamspeak, if you are not a member of SXG and would like to be send me your email and I will send you an invite link that bypasses the registration.

April 21st, 2015, 23:24
My character from the 3.5 game:

Kasumi Tomomi, Human Monk, age 23, 5'7", 103 lbs, Picture: https://i.imgur.com/sIFdVAk.jpg

April 23rd, 2015, 05:25
[Sorry for the doublepost, I have a rule about not editing posts older than 24 hours unless to correct something.]

Ferrin, lemme know on here any time anything happens, like when the next thing will be as far as helping finish my character or anything, please. Thanks.

April 23rd, 2015, 12:50
Tried to find you online in TS last night Ferrin, didn't see you on. Unfortunately, I'm not as lucky as you and am still a wage-drone. should be home after 6:30 eastern. Looking forward to speaking with you.

April 23rd, 2015, 17:25
I will be on Teamspeak all day today, I should be around at that time. Possible I may be afk depending on what time my wife gets home, but you will definately see me today

Lunacy Complex
April 23rd, 2015, 18:55
I would be interested in joining your group. I have no experience as a DM but I am willing to learn the role. Only played a few games of 5e so far but I've mostly got the hang of it by now.

April 23rd, 2015, 20:38
Excellent to have you Lunacy, if you are interested in DMing 5e games for the group join me in TS, I am in there most days. I am planning on exporting my campaigns as modules and sharing with the whole group after they have played through it, but I also am working on 5e one shots that are not part of an arcing campaign. If you wanna run some of those before you try something of your own your more than welcome. And the offer stands to anyone who wants to run games for the group.

Lunacy Complex
April 23rd, 2015, 22:03
Awesome. I assume you use the FG TS server? Also the link to the calendar in your signature appears to be broken.

April 23rd, 2015, 23:56
Ferrin, Thank you for the add I sent you my email, please send me a link to the team speak thing when you get time.

April 24th, 2015, 03:09
I am interested in 5e! Any restrictions? 1st level? Also, I have been DMing for the longest time so I may be willing to stand in at some point but would enjoy getting to play for once! Thanks, hope there is room!

April 24th, 2015, 03:25
I am also looking to join, Im a new player however dont want to bother much i learn quick but do need some starting guidance

Lunacy Complex
April 24th, 2015, 03:42
Good ole Jace. Guy's awesome.

April 24th, 2015, 05:31
I have got enough players for max of 2 groups or average three groups, most of them are very new to both RPGs and Fantasy Grounds. I have a 3.5 game planned for this sunday, after its played through I will run a 5e. Anyone willing to GM a game can join as a player just pick a time slot and show up. Get to know the players and when your ready to run a game we will set it up. Be aware though I got 13 players between 2 time slots so GMs are all I can fit into a game atm and only because Ill need help showing the new guys the ropes.

April 24th, 2015, 05:32
Trenloe if your watching this is why I wanted to hide lol.

April 24th, 2015, 13:20
Well that is a bummer for me then I guess, this is my first venture into FG, picked up a paid subscription and am trying to find a gaming group.

April 24th, 2015, 16:05
your already accepted MIcrawler your included in the 13, that post was made after you joined the calendar.

April 24th, 2015, 16:15
Ok I got ya now. I got the fg-con teamspeak thing up but I am not sure what to do now.. It has been years since I have used it lol

Mr. Phoenix
April 24th, 2015, 23:07
still open spots for Sunday? would love to join in on an adventure

April 25th, 2015, 15:02
I will be on Team speak off and on today for my character creation. just watching some tv shows on the side. I just got back from a good morning of fishing. I caught loads of bass and a few crappie too.

April 25th, 2015, 17:59
I will be on Team speak off and on today for my character creation. just watching some tv shows on the side. I just got back from a good morning of fishing. I caught loads of bass and a few crappie too.

LOL dont rub it in ... I went out fishing earlier and only caught a Bluegill.....

April 26th, 2015, 00:26
I'd like to join. I'm very new to FG as I had no idea it was out there until now :( But i'm excited now!

Central Time Zone
I can play Monday - Friday and Sunday - Noon to 10pm
Willing to play anything but experienced with 4th Ed D&D and some Pathfinder. Definitely interested in 5E
Have the Full license.

I don't mind GMing a game of D&D once I get the hang of FG and don't mind buying the Ultimate license once I get the hang of things.

Reyden Oden
April 26th, 2015, 19:15
Hello! Are there still player slots open for any of todays games?

I'm very familiar with 3.5 but am interested in learning other rule sets as well.

April 27th, 2015, 15:25
sorry did not see your post Rayden til I woke up this morning. Right now there are spots open in both times. Send me a PM and I will get you set up for next sunday.

That goes for you as well Toy just pm me and I we will go over what you missed and character creation sometime during the week. And put you into the game next sunday.

April 27th, 2015, 20:33
We'd love to have you in the late group! We had a blast last night, in spite of the fact that the dice all but turned against us for most of the evening. I've never seen so many low rolls from so many characters in my life! It was kind of like watching a little league baseball team play the NY Yankees...SWING...and a miss...SWING...and a Miss... Ferrin's NPC's and monsters, however, had the hot hand for most of the night, and were it not for Tymora's intervention, we may have been forced to start fresh this Sunday (lol!).

Anyway, Look forward to having the opportunity to join the party!

Entheos Narsillion
Ranger of the Grey Woods

April 27th, 2015, 20:57
I'm glad you had fun, unfortunately I won't be hosting games any longer. Or playing in them really. Maybe in a few weeks I will come back but it's doubtful. Thank you to my players and I'm sorry I have suddenly quit. I'll just say something unrelated to you has jaded me to fantasy grounds and vtt.

April 27th, 2015, 21:14
Sorry to hear that Ferrin...I think that I speak for everyone in both groups that we sincerely hope that whatever it that has caused you to put down the virtual dice passes, and that you reconsider and come back when you're ready.

Until then, We will leave a full mug at our table, waiting for you to return and enjoy it with us.


April 28th, 2015, 14:46
Why does this happen every time I join anything? Not even just joining FG games, but anything I've ever joined, the leader just leaves immediately after I join. :/ Oh well, like PVR above said, we hope you'll return some day.

April 28th, 2015, 16:12
I am sorry for bailing on you, yesterday the prospect of buying a new computer parsing all my stuff back in, re typing all that campaign material and just redoing a months work got me down. I feel better today, once I get a new computer and get everything redone we will pick up where we left off. It definitely will not be this Sunday though or the next, not many places to get a computer this far north and overnight delivery takes three weeks to get up here. They send it on greyhound.

April 28th, 2015, 16:26
Where you located Ferrin?

And hang in there. Could be worse. You could have my job :)

April 28th, 2015, 22:02
I deal with PC issues every day...It IS my job. I definitely know the pain you're feeling...We'll be here waiting when you finally get back up to speed and get things running again.

April 29th, 2015, 03:39
Dawson creek, BC. Wife was on the phone with dell today, they asked her 3 times where she was from. One guy had to get another guy bc they could not understand her accent. Finally they ended up telling her to call back tomorrow on a different shift. We got a Walmart but they have 4 computers and they are not quite up to date. I'm being kind when I say that. And the markup on anything imported from US is insane. Most people drive 6 hours to a large mall in Alberta, I do not wanna do that.

May 7th, 2015, 14:27
Hey Ferrin...
How's the computer resurrection going? Hope you can get back online soon...


May 7th, 2015, 17:21
Just an odd question Ferrin, since I have no idea what sort of PC issues you have been having - but can't you just get the old hard drive and copy the data over into the new FG?

May 7th, 2015, 21:44
It's possible he's having hard drive issues, those can be a pain. I lost absolutely everything on my old computer a couple years back due to a hard drive malfunction. Hope he can get all this sorted out, though.

May 7th, 2015, 22:20
If he can get his new PC up and running, he can then "slave" the old hard drive to the new PC using a USB to SATA III link cable. He should be able to copy all of the old files where he kept his documents and all his FG stuff onto his new computer. Works great if the damage to the hard drive is only restricted to the operating system blocks/tracks/sectors of the drive.

If it was on an SSD drive and the drive controller failed, however...it's bricked, and short of sending it back to the drive manufacturer and having them recover the drive (at ridiculous expense, mind you), it's good as a coaster or a doorstop at that point.

May 7th, 2015, 22:53
Sounds like some computer https://grannysmithunleashed.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/nerds.jpg?w=470 would be helpful.

May 7th, 2015, 23:01
*steals maps* Much Love!

May 8th, 2015, 00:14
Sounds like some computer https://grannysmithunleashed.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/nerds.jpg?w=470 would be helpful.

What this guy said. I would help, but I'm not good with the physical components of computers. XD

May 8th, 2015, 00:24
Yeah, I would try the USB or eSata solution and see if you can pull old data off.

Another example of "why to always backup"

May 8th, 2015, 22:01
Sounds like some computer https://grannysmithunleashed.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/nerds.jpg?w=470 would be helpful.

*Points up and says in my best Mario voice* Attsa'Me! Been in desktop support and network administration for 22 years...seen it happen more time than I can count. Best preventative is backing up to an external drive and putting it in a fireproof safe...or some kind of NAS/Cloud storage.

Hope to see you back online soon, Ferrin!

May 20th, 2015, 14:03
Hi Ferrin,

How goes the reconstruction project? Any luck getting the parts you needed for your computer? Hope to see you back online soon.


May 21st, 2015, 06:09
I haven't heard any word from him and he's in two of my games. That doesn't bode well.