View Full Version : New 5e stuff

April 14th, 2015, 11:22
Just a quick shout out to everyone who worked phenomenally hard to get the 5e stuff out to us and for the huge amount of work done over the weekend to correct and tidy up the content.

It's clearly brought in some new users judging by the number of new faces on the forums.

Well done everyone.

April 14th, 2015, 15:53
Not sure where to put in suggestions for additional concepts so i will just jot my thoughts here.

As a dm, i would love to see that effects window full of general effect types such as rage and certain other class or spell effects that can be applied as needed, drag and drop style. Maybe resistances, immunities, etc.

And while it may seem petty, an inspiration button usable only when the box is checked in the character sheet that would subsequently uncheck the box once used. A bit redundant since the advantage button is right there, but it could be useful as my players often forget they have it.

April 14th, 2015, 15:55
Not sure where to put in suggestions for additional concepts so i will just jot my thoughts here.
Please add any requests for new features to the FG wishlist - be sure to indicate if it is specific to the 5E ruleset (i.e. say "5E" in the request title): https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/

April 14th, 2015, 16:13
As a dm, i would love to see that effects window full of general effect types such as rage and certain other class or spell effects that can be applied as needed, drag and drop style. Maybe resistances, immunities, etc.

You might not once you realize just how many effects there potentially are. Your effects window would get pretty full. The other thing is that for some effects to work properly they have to be dragged from the player to either another player or to an NPC/monster. Dragging them from the effects tool will not give you the correct result, especially effects that run out on a players turn or things like that. The Combat Tracker needs to know who 'cast' the effect and it won't know that if it comes from the effects log. Note: I could be havering here but I think I'm right in saying this.

And while it may seem petty, an inspiration button usable only when the box is checked in the character sheet that would subsequently uncheck the box once used. A bit redundant since the advantage button is right there, but it could be useful as my players often forget they have it.

To be honest they're just as likely to forget it if they have a button on their actions tab too. Of course there is nothing to prevent you from creating an effect that places an 'inspired' label onto the PC and which has a check box on the actions tab which the player can check when it is used up. :)

April 14th, 2015, 20:16
I just wanted to give a heartfelt shout out to the development team that created the new 5e ruleset. I have owned fantasy grounds for years, because my playgroup lives all across the country. This is the only way we can play these days (except for a Boy's weekend we have about once a year) We have dabbled with the other rulesets (C&C, Savage Worlds), but they all seemed somewhat manual and cumbersome during setup and play.

The level of automation and polish with this new 5e ruleset is awesome. I know everything isnt perfect yet, but frankly, I am already impressed with what the developers have accomplished.

Well done gentlemen!


April 14th, 2015, 20:31
It's clearly brought in some new users judging by the number of new faces on the forums.

Yeah. I'm not fond of WotC's 'no digital' approach so I had decided to ignore 5e like I did 4e. But with this new partnership and some actual digital content for D&D, I've decided to give playing a try. If I like it, I'll start GMing 5e.

While I don't particularly like the D&D Wizards Theme, I appreciate the effort that was put into it and all the content (that I've seen so far) for FG 5e. I has some features that I've been wanting for PF for a while, and looks nicely polished.