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View Full Version : Make png transparent background images much smaller with this tool.

April 12th, 2015, 05:30
Thought I would share this website tool with you all, that I can't live without for Fantasy Grounds, and other work for that matter.

I like to make a lot of things have a transparent background for Fantasy Grounds, makes it so much better looking. As you know .png files with a transparent background are very big in file size compared to .jpg, .gif, ect, upwards of of 700kb or more. Give it a test run, drag a big file size .png with a transparent background into the box, and watch the magic happen, you will be amazed how much smaller the file size is without loss of picture quality.



April 13th, 2015, 13:15
Wow never new this existed, and it works great! going to get so much use out of this, thanks J79.