View Full Version : Adding text to a map

April 10th, 2015, 00:23
Is there a way to add text to a map, in a similar manner to dragging and dropping tokens? Scaleable, moveable, etc?

April 10th, 2015, 00:39
Only way I can think of is to draw on the map inside of FG, or outside of FG to use something like GIMP.

April 10th, 2015, 00:59
Make a story item and drag a pin to the m

April 10th, 2015, 03:37
You can't add text directly to a map. Another option is to drag tokens to the map and then add "tooltip" text to them by typing a label in the chat window (don't press enter) and then drag the label text from the chat window entry area and drop it on your token on the map. This gives that token the label text as a tooltip (hover the mouse over the token to see the text).

Adding text directly to the map is a fairly popular item in the FG wishlist: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=40911 Go vote for it, although it probably won't be looked at until the future migration to the Unity engine.

April 10th, 2015, 13:52
You can't add text directly to a map. Another option is to drag tokens to the map and then add "tooltip" text to them by typing a label in the chat window (don't press enter) and then drag the label text from the chat window entry area and drop it on your token on the map. This gives that token the label text as a tooltip (hover the mouse over the token to see the text).

Adding text directly to the map is a fairly popular item in the FG wishlist: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=40911 Go vote for it, although it probably won't be looked at until the future migration to the Unity engine.

I employ a similar method for denoting traps/hazards on maps via the CT - I create dummy entries for Traps/Hazards for example with a simple Trap/Hazard token that I can then drag to the map and control their visibility via the CT. Labeling the entries with an appropriate name means that when I (the DM) hover my mouse over the token on the map get a cool tooltip reminding me of which trap/hazard this particular beasty is.

You can take a similar approach using Story/Note entries and pinning them to the map, hovering over the pin will reveal a tooltip and the name of the linked item + you can then click the pin for an expanded description.

April 10th, 2015, 14:16
You can't add text directly to a map. Another option is to drag tokens to the map and then add "tooltip" text to them by typing a label in the chat window (don't press enter) and then drag the label text from the chat window entry area and drop it on your token on the map. This gives that token the label text as a tooltip (hover the mouse over the token to see the text).

I did not know this. How wonderful to discover something new. This really is the best VTT by a very long way.

The Scriven One
April 10th, 2015, 18:45
Interesting regarding the tooltip thing.

Another thing to consider if you're going to be writing the same text over and over, is making transparent tokens with the text you need. I do that in my game; the players have a scroll that displays an everchanging prophecy. I make up the verses as tokens. I don't know if that helps with your exact problem, but sometimes thinking outside the box allows for some cool things in FG.

April 10th, 2015, 21:11
You can't add text directly to a map. Another option is to drag tokens to the map and then add "tooltip" text to them by typing a label in the chat window (don't press enter) and then drag the label text from the chat window entry area and drop it on your token on the map. This gives that token the label text as a tooltip (hover the mouse over the token to see the text).

What Trenloe said is a better idea, but you can add text to a map, in a sense.

Click on the folder button on the Image window, find the image, right-click and choose Edit. Using your default image editor, paint the text where you want it. Save the image in the editor. Close the image in Fantasy Grounds, reopen it and re-share it with the players. Both you and the players should now be able to see the text since FG updates image changes immediately. Just don't resize the image when you do this, as it will register in FG as a different image and remove some assets like tokens, mask and pins.

This is not a good method of conveying text to the players, but it is an option (and can be used to add other images to the base image on the fly).

April 10th, 2015, 21:26
What started as a pretty simple question is really keeping me riveted.

I've only recently started GMing (weekly 5E game at my FLGS). This past week I took my notebook with me and used FG to display images of monsters to the players and look up their stats (thank you, thank you SmiteWorks for getting us the 5E plugins).

I now see that I can use it for so much more, and strive to learn all I can, and maybe, one day, GM a game on FG/AL.

Until that time, I'm going to keep asking questions.

So, here's my next question: NylanFS said make a story entry and drag a pin to the map.

I now know how to create a story entry, as well as creating multiple little banners for different things/colors.

But how do I create a 'pin' to drag onto my map/drawing?


April 10th, 2015, 21:45

Just like you you link things between other things, Drag the little red icon on the story item to the map. Hold CTRL while the map is up and you can see the pins on the map, click on the pin and it will open that story item. Then you can link the encounter inside the story item to bring up the encounter right quick if there is combat.

April 10th, 2015, 21:49
Thanks Nylanfs,

I could swear I tried dragging a story item to my drawing. But when I try it now, I see the pins.

So much to learn!


April 10th, 2015, 21:53

April 10th, 2015, 21:58

Just like you you link things between other things, Drag the little red icon on the story item to the map. Hold CTRL while the map is up and you can see the pins on the map, click on the pin and it will open that story item. Then you can link the encounter inside the story item to bring up the encounter right quick if there is combat.

You need to complete one step first before you can create shortcuts like this. You should right click on your map, select "layers" and "enable shortcuts". Now drag the button from the story onto the map and a pin will appear. The pin will stay there, or you can right click again on the map and select "layers" and "Diasable shortcuts". The pins will disappear but when you press CTRL the pins will pop back up.

April 11th, 2015, 01:38
Well yes I guess its so ingrained that I do that unconsciously.

April 11th, 2015, 02:53
You need to complete one step first before you can create shortcuts like this. You should right click on your map, select "layers" and "enable shortcuts".

I have never done this and I use pins all the time. I thought they were enabled by default. Do you use the image layers extension? (I do not.)

April 12th, 2015, 07:40
Pins, Pins, Pins!
I love Pins!
Id like to have different coloured pins too... Black for Story, Red for Traps, Green for Encounters, Blue for Images etc.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-1.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

April 12th, 2015, 07:45
Pins are great but the players can't see them. To that effect, labeled tokens are best.

April 12th, 2015, 08:26
Nickademus - you do have to enable the Shortcuts or do a ctrl-drag. Thats probably what you are doing?
Mask - I havent tried that... i need to check it out.

April 12th, 2015, 12:10
I have never done this and I use pins all the time. I thought they were enabled by default. Do you use the image layers extension? (I do not.)

No, but reading damned's post above you can click drag which you probably do and I didn't know you could :)

April 12th, 2015, 12:43
Yep. I'm always holding Ctrl to see where the other pins are. Another mystery solved. :D

April 12th, 2015, 13:09
Interesting regarding the tooltip thing.

Another thing to consider if you're going to be writing the same text over and over, is making transparent tokens with the text you need. I do that in my game; the players have a scroll that displays an everchanging prophecy. I make up the verses as tokens. I don't know if that helps with your exact problem, but sometimes thinking outside the box allows for some cool things in FG.

Very interesting. So how do you make a transparent token? Also how do you attach the text? I see that you can have the text in a story entry, drag that to the chat line then drag from there to the token. This of course is fine but there is no permanency since the text disappears when the map is closed or the token removed. Sounds like you have some permanent or at least more persistent method?

April 12th, 2015, 13:14
Maybe he make a png file with nothing in it and uses it as a token. And to label a token you can type in the chat window but don't press enter. Then drag and drop the text on the token. Tooltip text.

April 12th, 2015, 13:22
Maybe he make a png file with nothing in it and uses it as a token. And to label a token you can type in the chat window but don't press enter. Then drag and drop the text on the token. Tooltip text.

Hah! Yes, but if you are a completely useless artist like me detailed instructions on how to do something like that was what I was hoping for. :)
I do have tokentool, Campaign Cartographer and GIMP but I can't find a way to use any of those to make something that is transparent.
Yes, the text thing I know, but my question is, is there a more permanent way to attach the text or is it just drag and drop on the fly?

April 12th, 2015, 15:25
I just tried it in GIMP, which I have but rarely use. Open a new project. Add a new layer, this layer should be transparent by default. (I tried deleting the background on the original layer, but it wouldn't let me). Delete the original layer. Add the text to the new layer. Crop it to suit your needs. Save it as a .xcf file for backup. Then Export it as a .png file. That should do it. You can then import the image into token tool if you want to put a nice border on it.

April 12th, 2015, 15:51
Thanks feral1, I'll give that a go.

February 4th, 2023, 19:30
You can't add text directly to a map. Another option is to drag tokens to the map and then add "tooltip" text to them by typing a label in the chat window (don't press enter) and then drag the label text from the chat window entry area and drop it on your token on the map. This gives that token the label text as a tooltip (hover the mouse over the token to see the text).

Adding text directly to the map is a fairly popular item in the FG wishlist: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=40911 Go vote for it, although it probably won't be looked at until the future migration to the Unity engine.

This is one of the top ten most useful tips I've read on the forums. :) :) :)

February 23rd, 2023, 20:52
I see that this thread started in 2015. But I'm wondering if Unity has a way to add text to a map layer yet? Some of the PF2 adventures come out with GM-only text in the rooms, but I don't know how they did it.

February 23rd, 2023, 20:54
NO, there is no text layer as yet.

March 11th, 2023, 08:01
Give them time, it's only been 8 years.

March 11th, 2023, 09:12
Give them time, it's only been 8 years.

The original post was for Classic and there were no layers in Classic. Adding a text layer isn't trivial; especially in Unity which is a game engine and not something that would normally expect to have text layers.