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March 29th, 2015, 04:22
Hi ....
I did a Mod listing the Deities of Aihrde... However I tried to organize them under the different types of Deities, But when I check in player mode its not organized in the manner I wanted.. instead It just offers a list of all the deities... Is there a way to organize in a better way or do I need a seperate mod for each grouping????

March 29th, 2015, 04:46
If you want specific lists you need to create each list.

Assuming you're doing this in the Castles & Crusades ruleset, have a look at the players handbook module (TLG80114FG2_CnC_Players_Handbook_5th_Printing.mod ). The main entries for most data is in the <library> and <reference> sections, but there are a couple of sections called <lists> (there is actually two sections called lists, which is a bit confusing).

For example, the list of character classes are at lists.classes and this is basically just a list of the class names with links to the actual data in reference.classes:

<lists static="true">
<name type="string">Classes</name>
<listlink type="windowreference">
<name type="string">Fighter</name>
<listlink type="windowreference">
<name type="string">Ranger</name>
<listlink type="windowreference">
<name type="string">Rogue</name>
<listlink type="windowreference">
<name type="string">Assassin</name>

With reference.classes.fighter being where all the data for the fighter class is.

If you want to make specific lists, then you'll need to make these individual lists and then reference each list from the library.entries section of the module - as this is the top level of the module and what is displayed in the library. For example library.entries.e_classes is the link to open the classes list:

<librarylink type="windowreference">
<name type="string">Classes</name>

Relating this to the actual library entries:


The numbers in the image above are described in the following list:

This is the base module entry, click on this and it will display the high level library menu in #2.
This is the high level library menu. This is defined in the module XML in library.entries If the "Classes" link is pressed the lists.classes referenceindex is opened in #3 (see the <e_classes> link code above).
The referenceindex windowclass and displays the data stored in lists.classes (some of this code is shown higher up in this post) - basically this is a list of names with a corresponding <listlink> entry that tells FG where to get the data when the link is pressed and what window class to open to display the data.
When the "Fighter" link is pressed, FG displays the data stored in the XML at reference.classes.ranger in the referencetextwide window class (the definition of the GUI window).
This is the referencetextwide displaying the data from reference.classes.ranger.

Hope that points you in the right direction - keep referring to the standard C&C modules for various examples - if you see something you like in the module within the FG GUI, look in the module XML and see how it is setup.

March 29th, 2015, 05:55
Thank You for the quick response.. This will be helpful.