View Full Version : Steam overlay issue...

March 28th, 2015, 17:34
First up, I'm not sure if this is the spot to post this or in the steam forums; if this is the wrong place please let me know, and excuse my ignorance.

My problem is that when I attempt to create a new campaign - often the steam overlay will come up and crash the whole thing - forcing me to close the app from the task bar and try again.

I've spent the past hour or so trying to make one - but have been unable due to this problem - the one time I got it to go through seemed to alleviate the problem, so I get to feeling it is something to do with the create campaign screen, I had a quick look at the functionality, a process which took 30 minutes + without having this problem - but when I tried the create campaign again later - it was back.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this - I'd love to hear it, I really don't care if I have to disable the whole overlay somehow - as I pretty much never use it, as I have two screens...

One possibility that I can think of is my screen resolution, as it has been problematic before, the screen is a 4K UHD, this however may not be it.

Going to try updating my video drivers, and see if that helps...

March 28th, 2015, 17:37
It's recommended you disable the Steam overlay: https://steamcommunity.com/app/252690/discussions/2/558755530080287569/

March 28th, 2015, 17:37
thanks for your immediate reply ;)