View Full Version : That voting site for new features in Fantasy Grounds

March 20th, 2015, 16:18
I have a great curiosity to know how the approval process of a new feature for the Fantasy Grounds, how is the process for it to be approved, how many community votes need for him to be released?
I ask because I'm curious and anxious by dynamic light being implemented in Fantasy Grounds.
Like I said it's just curiosity.
Thank you for the attention you always give to all who participate in the Fantasy Grounds community.

March 20th, 2015, 17:10
Is this what you're referring to?


March 20th, 2015, 17:21
Yes this is the site to which I refer, but my curiosity is to know how many votes are required for a "desire" of the community become real and what procedure to approve or disapprove a wish.
For whenever I go I see Use the GUI builder to build rulesets ruleset is with 384 votes and the Map - Dynamic light sources is with 381 votes, ie the little I understand they are top rated and in my opinion and interest .. .They are the ones that interest me and that interest to all participants of the Fantasy Grounds community .... of course this is only a test.

March 20th, 2015, 17:50
The developers frequently review the wishlist and take into account the votes.

There are many other factors that need to be taken into account: ease of implementation, impact on current rulesets and modules, supportability, developer availability, priority of projects, the list goes on.

The GUI builder was attempted to be released via crowd funding but that didn't succeed - so when it came down to it, there weren't enough people willing to back the development time required for the GUI builder. There were other factors involved, but ultimately the same number of people who voted for such a tool weren't prepared to back the developer to make it and is it didn't happen. It might happen in the future, maybe...

As far as dynamic lighting goes, that won't even be considered until the port to Unity is successfully deployed and the developers have had time to iron out any issues. One of the reasons of going to the Unity platform is to allow more development options with the graphics engine, which would make things like dynamic lighting a possibility. Will it come soon after the port to Unity? I don't know... but it will certainly be more of a possibility...

Moon Wizard
March 20th, 2015, 18:00
All the points that Trenloe made are consistent with how I approach evaluating features for inclusion.

Also, we have to consider marketing and business requirements as well, which may require other features to support growing the user base and getting more publishers on board.


March 20th, 2015, 18:06
Got Trenloe is gets tricky people want something and not wanting help.
And tell me more what is this Unity that you mentioned? The Fantasy Grounds platform will change?
And as I always said thank you for always quick support and answers to the most important satisfactory course.
And yes Moon Wizard you're right.

Moon Wizard
March 20th, 2015, 18:13
Unity is a platform for creating games. It provides a large set of additional libraries which we can use to replace aging libraries in the existing FG code base in the short term, as well as provide new features in the long term.



March 20th, 2015, 18:14
And tell me more what is this Unity that you mentioned? The Fantasy Grounds platform will change?
Some info here - (post #2 in particular): https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22089-Fantasy-Grounds-Unity-engine