View Full Version : Effect notation for granting advantage to a skill?

The Scriven One
March 15th, 2015, 12:17
In my game tonight, an issue came up. A character has an effect that grants them advantage to acrobatics and stealth checks. It's a long-term ability that will come up frequently. How do we write this effect so that it works right? Is it even possible to apply advantage to a skill long-term?

We tried every permutation of ADVCHK and ADV* we could think of in case there was something undocumented.

March 15th, 2015, 18:53
At the moment there's no way to automate this. All you can do is write an effect which is simply informational so that the player can have that stuck on his character to remind him of the ability. When the character needs to make a check they'll need to click the "ADV" tab before making the roll.

The Scriven One
March 16th, 2015, 02:46
Thanks. At least I know not to keep banging my head against the wall.