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View Full Version : The Heroes Path Wednesday

March 6th, 2015, 21:27
This game is no longer looking for more players.
This thread is for the Wednesday game only.
Heroes Path Custom AP

System: Pathfinder (knowledge of system not required)
Character Creation: Custom (no character needed beforehand)
Slot: 7 pm-11 pm EST on Wednesday
Campaign Emphasis: role-playing and character development
Tools: FG and Team Speak

The Frontier is a place of adventure, outside the safety and structure of the Nation. Join a group of youths as they strive to rise above their simple upbringing to become the things of legend: heroes. In this wild area full of ancient ruins, dark secrets, and backwater farmers who all seem to have something they need heroes to do, learn that the road to greatness is a difficult one full of strive and hard decisions; nothing like the storybooks make it out to be.

The Heroes Path is largely a sandbox game with periods of concentrated questing intermittent with downtime. There are several overarching plotlines that could be considered the 'main plot' of the campaign, as well as a plethora of optional content for the characters to adequately get in trouble.

This campaign also features some unusual changes and new optional content (for those bored with the standard fantasy fare). For instance, some of the changes are that there are no gods in this world (not to say there are no religions) and a new AC value has been added.

Some things I like to mention upfront. I have found that the style of this adventure path doesn’t suit everyone. There are some elements that veer away from a standard Pathfinder game. Below are some of the aspects of this game that you could find enjoyable or unenjoyable.

• Slower XP progression, similar to older versions of D&D
• Story-based group XP that focuses on accomplishments instead of just combat
• Lack of divine entities and thus a minimal presence of NPC divine magic
• Small, mostly wilderness campaign area with only towns and villages
• Deeper interaction with local NPCs and the ability for the PCs to make the Frontier their home rather than just a place to visit
• Over arching plotlines with large periods of sandbox exploration
• Low magic and technology level
• Low wealth per level and low wealth limit for NPC vendors (crafting is advised)
• Non-human races are much more reclusive with humans dominating the land
• Utilizes premade material from D&D 2nd and 3.x Ed., mostly from the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting (if you are a veteran of D&D you may encounter material you are familiar with)

There are a few new options in this adventure path that may appeal to a veteran player or someone wishing to try something new. Below are hints at these additions.
• a new standard race: half-hobgoblin
• a pair of new classes utilizing a new magic system
• an herbalism crafting system to produce tonics and poultices
• itinerant crafting and spell research system for mobile parties
• new fields of Knowledge to support mass combat

Joining the Adventure
If you feel this style of AP is something that you would enjoy, send me a private message letting me know of your interest.

March 11th, 2015, 02:03
A week left until launch of this. Still slots open for PCs.

March 11th, 2015, 05:01
We don't mean to discourage you with no replies. I would personally love to sign up, but I can't really play in the middle of the week since my work schedule is hectic.

Keep up the good work though, man. >.>b

March 11th, 2015, 11:01
Would if I could but work times and all.

March 11th, 2015, 11:59
I feel like I would be interested, as I've always heard Pathfinder was similar, but I'm really only familiar with 3.5e.

If you wouldn't mind a 3.5e veteran who is new to Pathfinder, I wouldn't mind throwing in my lot and giving it a shot. =)

I also might have one other who may be interested and available, if you need additional players.

March 11th, 2015, 18:58
I'm interested, but this week isn't good for me. maybe next week? :x

March 11th, 2015, 20:43
It doesn't start until the 18th (which is next week). Having little or no knowledge of Pathfinder or Fantasy Grounds is fine. The original version of this AP was made to be run in a game store where a player could literally just walk up and say they want to play, so it has a slow pace at the beginning and a lot of room for learning as you go.

March 11th, 2015, 21:48
Sounds sweet,count me in.

July 22nd, 2015, 23:29
A slot has opened up. The group is well-established and have reached first level. New characters at this point will be normal 1st-level characters (since the zero-level prelude is over with). Send a pm if interested in joining.

July 29th, 2015, 05:34
Update: Two more slots have opened up. Send a pm if interested.

July 29th, 2015, 23:11
This is such a fantastic concept, but it's scheduled exactly in the part of the week I'm booked.

August 14th, 2015, 02:17
Still looking for a player.