View Full Version : Unbalanced Columns?

March 6th, 2015, 04:16
I'm trying to create a windowlist with two columns filled with items. Here's the definition of each item:

<windowclass name="charsheet_characteristic">

I then have a tab on my character sheet with these elements:

<genericcontrol name="characteristicframe">
<template name="list_charmaincharacteristics">
<allowcreate />
<allowdelete />
<noscroll />
<script file="campaign/scripts/char_characteristics.lua" />
<list_charmaincharacteristics name="characteristics">
<filldown />

So I try to load this windowlist with 26 items. The first column has 14 items and the second column has 12 items. The only way for me to "fix" this is to insert a bogus item at the 13th position to push 14-26 to the correct column.

Does anybody know what could be wrong here?

March 6th, 2015, 07:54
if you only put in 20 items do you get 14 and 6?

March 6th, 2015, 13:33
Nope, I get 11 and 9.