View Full Version : Shadows of Esteren - Chage Language

March 5th, 2015, 22:59
Hi everyone!

I downloaded the Shadows of Esteren official ruleset from the site, and my friend was going to translate it to english. But as he looked ast the code, he realised it was already translated and asked me to look into it.

I came home and launched it, and it does say it's been translated (by Franck "booga" Florentin), but I just can't find a way to change the language!

Anyone got a clue?

March 5th, 2015, 23:04
Can you provide the link to the ruleset please? So we can check it out and see what's needed.

March 5th, 2015, 23:06
There you go.


March 5th, 2015, 23:14
In the ruleset file scripts\langue.lua comment out local langue = "french"; and uncomment the line local langue = "english";

--local langue = "french";
local langue = "english";

Save the file and reload your campaign.

March 5th, 2015, 23:18
Wow, thanks a lot man, real quick reply!

The chat window displays just fine in here including dice rolls and messages. And I got FG 3.0.10. Which issues did you encounter?

March 5th, 2015, 23:23
I was seeing some errors/warnings in the console (you have to open the console to see them), but I don't think it will impact anything.

March 6th, 2015, 10:26
Why can't I find this ruleset on the Fantasy Grounds site? I always followed those Kickstarters but didn't get into it partially because I thought it would never get converted for FG...

March 6th, 2015, 15:23
Very good question. I would guess hat the developers never released it to SmiteWorks.

March 7th, 2015, 10:19
The ruleset for Les ombres d'Esteren (Shadows of Esteren but in its original French) was, as many others, never released here. There are usually various reasons for this, from the fact that most VTT French speaking players are already in online communities (that are VTT agnostic), the very small number of French speaking people here, for a lot of years the total lack of i18n consideration from SmiteWorks (that point has started to shift, but as always there's a lot of momentum to these things, what one does now can take several months or years to touch most people), several people including ruleset authors (more like tinkerers) don't speak English or it bore them, hell I even came across one who didn't know/remember that these forums exists.

Which lead to some issues by the way, I read every week stupid or just blatantly wrong answer on those forums whereas if the newcomer asking that question where to ask here on the official forum he would have gotten a far better answer. But some don't know, some don't speak good enough English (or think they don't), and so on.

If you have issues with the ruleset, I can contact its original author and ask him to come here take a look around. But I don't think the ruleset was updated in quite some time. At launch it was a very very good one, with a lot of automatisms and advanced features that were almost unheard of outside the D&Dish rulesets. But that was several years ago, before CoreRPG iirc.

March 7th, 2015, 12:16
Well, I haven't really messed around with it yet, but I saw no errors so far. Blacky, if it is no hassle for you, could you talk to the author on updating it?

March 7th, 2015, 12:21
Talk him into it probably not, ask him about it and point him to this thread yup :)

But if you saw no errors, update the ruleset to what? What for?

March 7th, 2015, 12:40
Lol, I'm sorry, I forgot "talk into" means convincing. My english isn't that good yet :p

Anyway, some people reported issues with it, but as I'm no programmer I really don't know if it works perfect or not. Also, I haven't played it yet, just looked around a lil' bit.

EDIT: checked it a little bit, it has some issues with rolls from the character sheet. Combat automation seems fine. I could not find a way to increase my defense rating after buying the nimble advange (in character management mode).

Oh, the rolling from character sheet issue was also found on the character management mode.