View Full Version : Intellestellar wars, gurps, looking for players.

February 24th, 2015, 11:59
me, Julio (gm) and a friend "Max" (captain) of the Beowulf, Hero class transport ship are looking for crew members. We are in need of a Medic, Gunnery, Navigator, Comm Specialist and Engineering Specialist. Setting is intestellar wars, gurps 4th edition. We are playing in the style of the firefly series or Serenity movie. we will be conducting interviews for any people interested in filling these positions. We are using Fantasy Grounds ( i have Ultimate License) and Curse voice. Please email me Julio ([email protected]) if youre interested. We are looking to play 2x a month, weekends, PST. email for specific details.

Julio (gm)

February 24th, 2015, 12:50
Might want to include the day of week and times so that people could figure out if they can play.

February 24th, 2015, 14:52
Also time zone. I'd be interested if it's on a day and at a time I can make.

February 24th, 2015, 16:05
Also time zone. I'd be interested if it's on a day and at a time I can make.

Well, he did say "PST" - which is Pacific Standard Time.

February 24th, 2015, 18:05
I'd be very interested - depending exactly what time "PST" this is on a weekend. I'm MST. I've sent you an email...

February 24th, 2015, 21:47
We are looking at sat or sundays, PST. I Live in Oregon, USA. Times are open right now, both me and max are very flexible on the weekends. so it really is going to depend on the group, we will try to accommadate the best we can. so if you're interested let me know and i can send you some more details.

February 24th, 2015, 22:48
Let me know if you settle on either Saturday morning or evening.

February 26th, 2015, 22:55
Looks we got a full group of possible players, 5 crewmembers and a captain. so if anyone else is interested i will keep your contact info as back ups in case somebody decides/cant continue.

Julio (GM)

February 28th, 2015, 15:08
I would have been interested had it been an EU timzone. There are way to many D&D / PF games as it is. :P More GURPS to the people. :P
