View Full Version : Avoiding Script Error

February 21st, 2015, 15:16
I've read a few topics regarding the recent, bug of the 3.0.10 in reference to it making rolls and other simple actions impossible while in use, but I have yet to find a topic that mentions how to change versions from .10 to .9 where things were stable and the roller worked.

To be specific, I'm talking about the following error: Script Error: [string "desktop/scripts/modifierstack.lua"]:241: attempt to index global 'control' (a nil value)

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated as I generally use the Character Manage section to keep track of all the numerical values without ruining character sheets into oblivion when playing Live games, but without the roller things tend to take longer to account for such as when using massive amounts of dice in one sitting.

February 21st, 2015, 15:30
Which ruleset? I'm not seeing that error.

February 21st, 2015, 16:24
You can't roll back through the update - you would have had to have taken a backup of the application files and the rulesets before upgrading.

The above error you mention is caused by using an extension that is not 3.0.10 compatible - check the threads for the extensions you use to see if there has been a compatible update.

February 21st, 2015, 16:26
The above error you mention is caused by using an extension that is not 3.0.10 compatible - check the threads for the extensions you use to see if there has been a compatible update.

Either that or he has an unpacked ruleset from a previous version.

February 21st, 2015, 16:28
My apologies, I forgot to mention it is the 3.5 Ruleset of Manage Characters.

I see, then simply removing all my extensions until they are compatible should fix the problem? I wasn't aware that the extensions still played a role when you used the Manage option.

Edit: 11:45 - It appears that didn't fix anything which is weird... I moved the extensions I was using out of the Extensions folder and onto my Desktop, yet it still gives me the error. I can roll fine if I choose to test rolls in Load Campaign, but rolling is still blocked when in Manage Characters.

February 21st, 2015, 17:11
Ah, right - yes, this error does exist in manage characters. Some info in this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?19783-Getting-Script-Errors-Savage-Worlds-Ruleset&p=160051&viewfull=1#post160051

February 22nd, 2015, 08:07
My apologies, I forgot to mention it is the 3.5 Ruleset of Manage Characters.

I see, then simply removing all my extensions until they are compatible should fix the problem? I wasn't aware that the extensions still played a role when you used the Manage option.

Edit: 11:45 - It appears that didn't fix anything which is weird... I moved the extensions I was using out of the Extensions folder and onto my Desktop, yet it still gives me the error. I can roll fine if I choose to test rolls in Load Campaign, but rolling is still blocked when in Manage Characters.

Yes, exactly this. Look at the error, and you should see the error message indicating the extension that is causing the error.

Just deselect the extension and the error should go away.

February 22nd, 2015, 14:55
1) error messages don't indicate which extension is raising the error. It's a trial and error process of working out which extension causes an error.

2) this particular issue (the error occurring while using manage characters) is a known issue and will be fixed in v3.0.11: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?23276-Test-release-v3-0-11&p=201265&viewfull=1#post201265

February 22nd, 2015, 23:28
The LUA errors should look like this:

Script Error: [string "scripts/expanded_npc_weapons.lua"]:4: attempt to index field 'weapondmgtypes' (a nil value)

(I purposefully used a module I know fails with the 3.0.10 client.)

February 23rd, 2015, 00:59
The LUA errors should look like this:

Script Error: [string "scripts/expanded_npc_weapons.lua"]:4: attempt to index field 'weapondmgtypes' (a nil value)

(I purposefully used a module I know fails with the 3.0.10 client.)
Yep, that's correct. But, this does not tell you which extension is raising an error - the text you highlight is a lua file that is in the base ruleset and *might* be in at least one more extension, but this error doesn't tell us where this lua file comes from.

February 23rd, 2015, 01:21
Gotcha, I've always found seemed to find the extension based on the .lua entry.

I know I can open the .EXT files with 7Zip and dig through the extension to find the .lua, might be easier to find the problematic extension that way? I don't know about other people, but starting FG takes a bit on my laptop, so digging through the .ext files for the .lua that is freaking out might be quicker than disabling/enabling extensions - but I guess that depends on the end-user as well.