View Full Version : Client drawing not seen by other clients or host

February 15th, 2015, 03:15
If a client draws on a shared map, should the host and the other clients be able to see the drawing? I'm asking because I'm trying this using multiple copies of FG running locally and can't seem to get it to work. I have verified that the host does not have the drawing layer locked.

Does it have anything to do with grid being turned on?

It seems to be really inconsistent. Sometimes it will work for one of the clients and not the other. Sometimes the host will see what the clients are drawing, and sometimes it won't.

February 15th, 2015, 03:44
It looks like the GM has to be the first to do the drawing - this associates the drawing "negative" drawing image from the <campaign directory>\drawings directory with the image record in the campaign database. If a player starts drawing first, the drawing_XXXXXXX.png file is created but it is not assigned to the image record in the database (I'm assuming the usual restrictions on the player client updating the database). However, if the GM starts drawing first, the drawing_XXXXXXX.png file can get associated with the image record in the database and so everyone can see the drawing and players can subsequently add to the drawing themselves and everyone sees their drawing.

February 15th, 2015, 04:07
Thanks for the explanation. I'm assuming the drawing negative cannot be exported as part of a module, so I'll need to remember to 'seed' this image after I load the module into my campaign, and before the players get to this part.

(In case you're curious, this functionality is an integral part of a little brain-teaser puzzle I'm presenting to my players that requires them drawing out part of the solution.)

February 15th, 2015, 04:12
I'm assuming the drawing negative cannot be exported as part of a module, so I'll need to remember to 'seed' this image after I load the module into my campaign, and before the players get to this part.