View Full Version : Rogue Trader - 40k

February 10th, 2015, 17:17
Hello Fellow Gamers!

I would like to announce an open slot or two now available for our Saturday (diurnal aka Day time) from Noon to 7pm...

A few things should be noted:

We play over Skype
We play with Houserules (modifications to Range and Movement have been made to accommodate smaller battlefields / engagements)
Canon / Fluff has been adjusted not to include Kroot, Rak'Gol, Styxis nor many other Sentient Xenos subtypes, some of which have been replaced.
Lovecraftian Influence; so just as I've remove certain Xenos from the campaign Ive incorporated other things into the galaxy such as Mi-go...
Roleplay Heavy; we run a game where you either have the choice to RP it out or Roll it out or both - role playing is required regardless
Combat is quick - houserules facilitate "quicker" enemy kills but isnt biased against the PCs
True Neutral GM; I Game Master to be surprised by player choices and interactions, the better you can surprise or wow me the more you'll get out of my GMing (risk vs. reward, cowards arent needed lol)

If this sounds like a game you'd like to engage in let me know (IM me or email me:reyboogienyc "AT" yahoo DOT com)

Stay Gaming All


Prior Game Confirmations