View Full Version : Extremely New to FG. Considering it for inperson VTT setup.

January 26th, 2015, 20:33
Hi everyone,

I am certain this has been asked before and I apologize for repeating the question. I have looked on the forums and the internet for it, but not very long, I will admit.
I am considering FG as a VTT for our in person Pathfinder sessions.

GM Laptop
Players - TV laid flat on table in center

I like how it consolidates all bestiary information, initiative and character stats, map and fog of war (I have not seen anything about line of sight or light/shadow effects.

I also noticed the ultimate version which is needed for DMs is quite expensive for me to just outright "try".

So I would like to first ask,

how well would this work for my setup?
and would I need multiple licences just to accomplish this? Basically, one computer and two screens (GM and Player).

Thank you very much for your time, I see that FG has a large, active and friendly community already.


January 26th, 2015, 20:46
You could do what you want with one full license (basic $40 license) by starting two instances: you would put the player instance the TV (assuming you have set up the TV as a second monitor) and the host on the GM's computer. You might want to try the demo and/or a one month subscription to see how things work.

FG does not have sophisticated mapping tools. It does have a mask that covers the map the DM can reveal as the party explores so he controls what is shown.

January 26th, 2015, 21:34
you can trial this for free but you cant save any campaign data.
you only need a full license for this to work fully and you can do that for $4/month as the lowest entry point - can cancel at any time or just buy outright if you think you will keep using it.

no real fog of war - the mask doesnt fill/unfill as party moves and there is no light or line of sight. these could make an appearance in FG4 as it has a new Unity engine but there is no plans for them in the current platform AFAIK

a few groups use it for in person play - some exactly as you are doing it and some with all players still using a computer for player turns.

January 26th, 2015, 22:29
I would suggest using a portable projected and a white board rather than a TV