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View Full Version : Player quotes about FG after playing the first two sessions

January 20th, 2015, 09:46

I just thought this might be interesting, since after using FG for quite a while, one probably loses a bit of perspective for it.

These are un-prompted quotes by my players after the 2nd session of a home-brewn Hellfrost Savage Worlds "campaign".

Adventure Deck sounds pretty cool, and overall I really like the game system and the FG system.

Really enjoying it, and i must say this Fantasy grounds is an amazing tool.
Looking forward to the next session

Overall my players were very favorably impressed by how fluid the combat flowed, despite all of us being quite new to both Savage Worlds and FG.

January 21st, 2015, 02:14
Well done AstaSyneri.

January 21st, 2015, 06:59
Thanks for sharing and congrats on what sounds like a well run game.

January 21st, 2015, 10:20
There was more, but I can't find it in either our forum threads nor in the ingame chat records. Might have been in Teamspeak.

The players have all been roleplaying (or at least rollplaying) before, but none are "specialists". In fact they are primarily TCG players and/or computer players.

The gist was: For players FG works very nicely, if the GM has prepared things a bit to make them "nice". He doesn't even have to have full "grasp" of FG, depending on expectations.

Turning the argument around I would say FG should make things as easy as possible for the GMs running it to get those sessions going.